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   So, as I'm sure you know, I wrote this story a while ago.  I'd say 2020ish, and naturally, after a year, re-reading this, I am dying.  I hate it so much.  Granted, I'm attached to the idea and everything, but beyond that...mmm I really don't like it.

   So, I decided to rewrite it!  The prologue is published now and the first chapter will be published today or tomorrow.  Please note that there WILL be story changes and LOTS of them.  This is part of the 'improving' aspect, although some of it may also still not make sense...but I'm hoping that at the very least there will be less that doesn't make sense, character motives are clearer, etc.  

   Hopefully, the quality will be more consistent, too, going from less description to more with semi-consistent chapter sizes rather than a 300-word chapter with no description for one chapter, and a 2,000-word chapter with every detail for the next.  I'm aiming for 800-1,000 words minimum per chapter, and at least the details of like - what shade of green the grass is.

   If there's anything you want to be explained from this story or something you'd want to see added/cut, please let me know and I will heavily consider explaining, adding, or cutting said things.

   The overdose of dragon bebbes will be addressed and hopefully relaxed a little.  Not going to cut the dragons out of the story completely, but it would be helpful to dial it down from like 6 dragons to 3 (mainly the big ones I remember and got attached to).

   So, if you don't know how to find the rewrite if you want to read it, I'll do my best to explain.  Click on my little profile picture thing (should be somewhere on the left of the text in this chapter), then scroll down my stories until you land on 'Howling Echoes, The Echoes, Book 1 - Rewritten'.  

   I hope you enjoy the rewrite and are excited!  I likely will be doing this for Fading Echoes as well although Dawning Echoes is hesitant, especially since although I know what I want the ending to be for that one, I haven't even started the last chapter.  The whole thing is a little too up in the air for me now so if I did write it again the plot and characters would likely be drastically changed, possibly with Dawn and at least a few of her dragons being cut altogether.  On the other hand, Fading Echoes is much more pleasing to me still, with the plot being character-driven rather than 'ah yes do this or the world is dying because yada yada magic or whatever' XD.

   Have a good day, let me know things you want to (or don't want to) see/explained in the rewrite, and yeah.  Have - have a good day.  *Leaps away*

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now