Chapter 62: Goodbye

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   I sniffled.  "Goodbye." My voice cracked.  "No, no no no, Whiplash you can't be -"  Frostflake said,  but he gave her a soft smile.  "You always were the stubborn one.  But I'd do it again, every day," he took a shuddering breath again, "to save you all.  Good -"  He took in one last breath.  "Goodbye."  Then he shuddered, and fell still.  Lifeless.  Never to move again.

   I started sobbing and hugged Whiplash, clenching my fists as I heard the crash of Johann's body below.  "I'm sorry things had to end like this, Whiplash.  You will always live in our hearts." 

   We flew to the Edge to give Whiplash a proper funeral.  We put his body in a silk blanket and put him in Hiccup's fireproof cauldron thing.  He always said he wanted something like this when he died, normally when they were joking about Whiplash dying from all the babies he watches.

   Watched.  I corrected myself.  He doesn't watch anymore.  He's gone.

   The twins lowered the Singetail's body into the volcano.  

   "There I see my mother, my father, my brothers, and my sisters.  They bid me take my place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave shall live forever.  And may the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield.  May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it from the depths of Valhalla and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of heroes.  For a great dragon has fallen:  A warrior."  I said.  Frostflake swallowed.  "A savior."  Chroma dipped her head.  "A father."  Amber and Amythest looked at each other.  "A friend."  They said together.  

   We watched as Whiplash's white silk blanket and cauldron sunk below the lava.  "I'm truly sorry it had to end this way, Kiara,"  Viggo said, putting a hand on my shoulder.  Frostflake barely growled at him; instead, she laid down around our feet.  I hugged him and buried my face in his arm, which later I realized was very strange.

   I let go and walked down the volcano, Frostflake trailing behind me.  I walked into my hut and shut the door, closed all the windows, and collasped on the floor, sobbing.  "Why him?"  I asked under my breath.

   After a couple of full hours of crying, Astrid came in.  "We're leaving the Edge." She said.  I glanced up at her in surprise, tears covering my face.  "For good this time."  "But - this is where Whiplash is."  "He will always be with you in your heart, Kiara,"  Astrid said.  "But we still need you.  I can help you get packed." I hesitated, then sighed.  "Fine."

   When we left, I dragged behind.  Frostflake twisted around.  "Is this really it?"  She asked.  "Will the Edge just be - forgotten? Like all of the dragons here, like the Night Terrors, the Death Song, Garf, Spark?"  She hesitated.  "Like Whiplash?"  "We will NEVER let that happen, Frostflake.  Trust me."  I assured her, rubbing her head.  She nodded and turned, flying after the other Riders.  I glanced behind us again. 

   "Goodbye, Dragons' Edge."  I murmured.  "I'll miss you."

   (Don't worry, the story isn't done yet!  And I hope Whiplash's death didn't ruin it for anybody...gosh, it feels like just a couple of weeks ago I sat down and decided to write this, then to make it follow along the storyline.  And then when I planned this, although I definitely changed the last episodes of Race to the Edge, even from my original thoughts.  It feels like just yesterday I was thinking 'oh no, this is gonna take FOREVER to get to there!' but it didn't!  And now we're at 62 chapters with two - maybe three - fandragons and abilities and a girl with the former Hunter leader as her father.  I want to thank those of you that are still reading this for still being here, and for taking time out of your day - time you could've been doing anything else, playing video games, reading a real book, or doing chores - to read this story.  So above all else, thank you, for bringing me this far.)

   (This is what happens when it's 4:49 in the morning and you haven't slept and you have to stay awake all day.  Hope the story isn't too messy!  Keep an eye out later today (not at 5:00 in the morning) for another chapter!  I'll give you a little teaser so you can take some guesses:  V & S with K dying inside.)

   (Again, I haven't slept, sorry!  Bye!)

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now