Chapter 51: Wronged and Righted?

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   I had mostly isolated myself from the chatter of the Riders for about three days, and Hiccup finally came into my hut as the chatter began to die down.  "We got a Terror Mail." He said.  I groaned, getting up from my laying position.  My eyes darkened as it landed on the familiar rolled letter.  "I'll be right there."

   Murmurs hushed as Frostflake and I landed in the clubhouse.  "What does it say?" I asked, ignoring the other Riders.  "It's my dad.  He's found a Dragon Eye lense.  He wants me to come and get it." Hiccup looked up from the letter.  "Alone."

   "That's not sketchy at all." I said dryly.  "At least let me come with you." Astrid pleaded.  "No, Astrid.  My dad wants me to come alone, and so that's what we're going to do."  Hiccup said.  "Are you sure?" Astrid followed Hiccup outside where he put something in Toothless' saddlebag.  "It's not like Stoick to be this cryptic."  "Astrid, I'll be fine."  Hiccup said.  "Ok?"  Astrid sighed.  "Alright."

   Astrid and I made eye contact, and she nodded.  I nodded, too, and signaled for Whiplash to follow Frostflake and I.  Frostflake took off and stealthily followed Hiccup to an island.  There were several trees and it was rather isolated.  Hiccup landed and we carefully did, too.  Toothless growled at something, and Frostflake and I moved around to get a better look. 

   There was a Maces and Talons piece.  Viggo.  "The Accomplice.  One of the most important pieces in all of Maces and Talons.  Allowing a player to use an opponent's peice for their own ends.  You can certainly win without it, but with it you can gain total victory." Viggo came out from behind a tree, ducking under a branch.  Hiccup dismounted and drew his fire sword.

   "I figured it was you." Hiccup narrowed his eyes.  Viggo slowly clapped.  "Hm.  I'm impressed.  For once you're thinking a few moves ahead.  However, I cannot let you take too much credit.  A false Terror Mail is not one of my most ruse, but time was of the essence."  

   "Viggo what do you want?"  Hiccup asked.  "It appears as though Krogan and Johan have decided to get rid of me.  I was given false information regarding the location of a Dragon Eye lense, and they attempted to drop a mountain on me." Viggo explained.  I could see Hiccup about to snap, and carefully got off of Frostflake.

   "Can you imagine, the feeling of betrayal?" Viggo continued.  "Yes.  Yes I can!"  Hiccup rushed at Viggo.  "Frostflake, go!" I hissed.  She leaped out between the enemies and whirled in a low circle, tripping them both.  She roared loudly at Hiccup, then at Viggo.

   That made me realize how much was bubbling under the surface between them.  Hiccup had actively tried to hurt Viggo, striking first for...well...the first time ever, as far as I knew.

   "Kiara?" Hiccup said, surprised as I came out of the bushes we were hiding in.  I hadn't realized Toothless had been muzzled until just then, where I could see him.  "You -" I pointed at Viggo, "- are TERRIBLE at false Terror Mails, I mean, a MOOSE could have figured that out."  Viggo didn't show any signs of being annoyed, but I could tell he definitely was.

   "And you," I added, turning to Hiccup.  "Seriously need to cool down."  "You're one to talk." Hiccup muttered.  I glared at him sharply.  "Go there.  I DARE you." Hiccup scowled in annoyance, then turned his glare to Viggo.

   I inhaled sharply.  "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but maybe we should let Viggo speak."

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