32: Tone Death

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   I had gone back to the Edge after a few days.  It had now been about three months since Viggo had...

   I sighed as I watched the egg in front of me.  It was gray with black spots.  The other Riders had groaned after realizing what it was - a Death Song egg - but I didn't mind it, not even after they told me the endless stories of singing that was put into Garf's childhood.  

   I saw a crack split across it, and I screeched.  "Everybody come quick, come quick!"  I called from my hut door.  Everyone rushed over, even the twins and Snotlout, although they left Chicken.  

   After a few more cracks, the eggshell flew everywhere, and in the egg's place was a small, light yellow baby dragon with a light purple frill and light purple spots on his wing.  There was also a small, light red fin running down his back.  

   "Eeeeeh it hatched!"  Fishlegs squealed.  "It's so cute!"  "I'm gonna go get Heather,"  Astrid said.  Heather had visited the Edge a couple of days ago and was planning on leaving the next day.  

   Suddenly, a shrill, piercing cry split the air.  "Is that coming from HIM!?"  I yelled, covering my ears.  "Yup!  Snotlout is Outlout!"  Snotlout stalked off.  Whiplash groaned.  "Please tell me I didn't make this much noise when I was younger!"  He groaned.  "Oh no, you didn't!"  Frostflake called.  "You made more!"

   "No, you didn't, she's just messing with you!"  I called.  "So...uh...we need a name for him,"  I called.  "How about SHUT UP!"  Snotlout screeched.  To everyone's surprise, he fell silent.  I suddenly learned to not take silence for granted.

   Two seconds later, he started wailing again.  "How did you get Garf to be quite again?  Sing?"  I called.  "Uh - yeah!  Sing!"  Hiccup yelled.  "Death Song, Death Song, SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE YOU LOSE IT!  Death Song, Death Song, I'M READY TO CHOP OFF YOUR TOUNGE!  DEATH SONG, DEATH SONG, YOU'RE GOING TO EAT EVERYONE -"  Snotlout sang.  "What fun!"  Ruffnut chimed in.

   The Death Song tilted his head, then kept crying.  "Here you go, Heather."  Astrid shoved Heather inside and shut the door.  Heather rushed over and gave the Death Song to me, then left.  Snotlout facepalmed.  "It's your problem now, Kiara!"  

   "No, Snotlout, we're all taking a part in this."  Hiccup said.  "And, by the way, thank you for volunteering."  "What?"  Snotlout asked.  "Nah nah nah I am NOT -"

   Two seconds later Snotlout was practically being forced through the air by Frostflake and Hookfang.  "FINE!"  He snapped.  Whiplash chuckled.  Oh yeah, he was there, too.

   "I killed a bear when I didn't yet have hair, at my coming of age ceremony!  Everyone said I'd die in front of it, that I was just a phony!  I killed it with my bare fists, I showed everyone - ya know what here have him back."  Snotlout threw me the Death Song and flew off.  I scowled after him.

   After everyone - including me - had sung, most of the Riders were voting on me taking it to Melody Island.  I looked down at the singing Death Song in my arms.  "But - I can't!"  I cried, water edging my vision.  "I can't just leave Chroma there!"  

   "Chroma?  Who's Chroma?"  Snotlout called.  "The Death Song, you muttonhead!"  I snapped.  "Oh."  "What a weird name,"  Ruffnut commented.  "Yeah, I'd think Amber or Melody would be better."  Tuffnut agreed.

   "We have to take Chroma to Melody Island, Kiara.  I'm sorry."  Hiccup said.  "No, we can't!  You haven't even given her a day!  At least let me build him a pen on the other side of the island for her to live in until I train her not to do that!"  I begged.

   "Do whatever you want with him, I just NEVER WANT TO HEAR THIS AGAIN!"  Snotlout stalked up to his hut and slammed the door on Hookfang, who he let in a moment after.  "Agreed,"  Ruffnut said, going into the twins' hut.  Tuffnut, Chicken, and Barf and Belch followed her.  

   "Tell you what, it might actually work,"  Fishlegs said.  "It would be less dangerous than going to Melody Island..."  Astrid nudged Hiccup.  "Plus, if there are any more enemies out there, having a Death Song on our side might be veeeeery useful."  Hiccup sighed.  "Fine.  But can you please get him to the other side of the island tonight?  I'd like to keep my head from exploding, please."  

   "Will do."  I nodded and got onto Frostflake.  We flew to the other side of the island, and Frostflake made an ice fence and roof for Chroma.  She clearly enjoyed it, especially since it was in a cool cave that wouldn't let the ice melt.  Hopefully, the volcano didn't erupt and melt it, though.  We flew back to get some sleep, uneasy but content with our temporary solution.

   The ice cage solution, not the training solution.

   I laid down and fell asleep.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now