18: Truth and Trauma

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   I groaned and rubbed my head, wincing.  I blinked open my eyes, my blurry vision slowly clearing to make way for the roof of the stables.  I knew where I was now.

   Frostflake licked my face and I gently shoved her head away.  "She's awake!"  Tuffnut called.

   "Kiara?"  I recognized Astrid's voice.  I moaned and lifted myself up to a half-sitting half-lying position facing the back wall.  Frostflake slipped her head underneath my hand and curled up around me, her razor-sharp tail gently laying on her lap.

   "Are you ok?"  Hiccup's voice joined Astrid's, and I heard Frostflake growl softly.  I lifted one finger and she stopped.  "Is SHE ok?  What about if WE'RE ok?  We all got hurt in that, and most of us were captured because of Kiara!"  Snotlout snapped.

   "We also wouldn't be freed if it wasn't for Frostflake."  Hiccup pointed out.  I sighed.  "I'm fine."  I finally said.  "Kiara, what were you thinking?"  Astrid asked.  "Joining the Dragon Hunters?  Just like that?"

   I finally turned to look at them.  "You try growing up on your own.  No food, no water, no family or friends, with no memories at all about your family."  I looked away again and Frostflake made a mournful sound.  

   "Hm, that sounds strangely familiar."  When I glanced back again, Astrid was looking at Heather and shrugged her arms toward me.  Hiccup waved at the others and they left the stables, but Heather stayed.  I looked away again.

   "Look, I grew up the same way.  Windshear was all I had, and even for a while, I didn't have her.  I found out Dagur was my brother and...I did join him.  Sure, maybe it wasn't for real, but...I've grown close now that he's not with the Dragon Hunters.  But the hunters show no care for blood or family when it's time to turn on them.  Someday you'll find yourself doubting the Hunters, and Viggo will come after you, and capture you, and kill you."  Heather said.

   I glanced at the small nails poking out of the ground.  "You really thought I would just up and leave on you guys, did you?  Now I see how much faith you have in me."  I shoved myself up, then staggered sideways.  Frostflake caught me with her head.  "I know the feeling,"  Heather said.  

   I sighed, folding my arms.  "If I want Viggo to believe that I'm actually part of the Dragon Hunters, that will happen.  All the time.  I will have to fight you guys and even get some of you captured so that Viggo doesn't figure me out.  But if it does come down to life or death with one of you, I won't let you die."  I assured her.

   "Good.  So, how did you plan on making your escape realistic?"  Heather asked.  I snorted.  "Simple.  Don't tell the others until I actually try to escape and leave."  Heather nodded.  I got up and faced her.  "Frostflake, frost!"  I hissed.  A look of surprise flashed across Heather's face like she hadn't expected me to actually try to escape.  

   Frostflake blasted a stream of frost at the wood, then crashed into it, making it fall.  Heather jumped back.  "Windshear!"  She yelled, swinging her axe off of her back.  I jumped onto Frostflake, who blasted the axe away from Heather's hands.

   At this point, Heather's cries of distress had attracted the other Dragon Riders.  Hookfang flamed up, Stormfly's spikes were ready to fire, and all of the dragons had blasts ready in their throats.

   Frostflake tensed, seeing Windshear join them with her spines out.  "Frostflake," I murmured.  "Make the first shot count."  Suddenly, flames blasted at us.  Frostflake jumped back and I was flung off her back.  I slammed into the ground and bit my tongue as I felt my shoulder pop out of place.

   I shrieked in pain, tears welling up at the edges of my vision as my other hand rushed to my shoulder.  Frostflake roared at the Riders and curled her tail around one of my legs.  She blasted ice at each of the Riders, causing them to clear a path.  She took off toward the distance, making me bite my lip as my shoulder dangled, still flaring in pain.

   "Come on, we can take her!"  I heard Snotlout yell.  "Hookfang!"  I heard Toothless shoot after us, but Frostflake managed to stay ahead and dodge each of his six plasmablasts.  After flying for a while, finally, in sight of Viggo's base, I could hear Hiccup and the Riders stop and hover.  

   "We can't risk flying in here.  Not right now.  We'll come back for Kiara another day."  Hiccup called.  I heard Heather say something, but what I couldn't tell.  I was brought to the Healer's Hut and they put my arm in a sling.

   Hopefully, Hiccup will understand why I did what I did.

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