Chapter 22: Ill Terms

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   "Are you insane!?"  Snotlout yelled.  "That's been established!"  I called back as Frostflake jerked up.  "Isn't the egg enough!?"  Ruffnut yelled.  "The egg is great, Ruff, but the egg is not what we came for!"  Astrid yelled back.  

   I flew back up to the other riders and carefully rolled the egg to Astrid, along with the pouch.  "Hold this!"  I called, then, once we got closer to the water, dove in.

   I heard a muffled shriek as I grabbed onto a Clearswim Eel.  Frostflake quickly scooped me up with her tail as I held it away from my face.  "Quickly, get a jar!"  I cried.  Fishlegs was over in an instant, holding a glass jar underneath the eel's tail.  I squeezed the clear slime off of its tail and into the jar, then threw it into the water.  "We've got it!  Now let's go!"

   When we raced back to the Edge, however, hunter boats were surrounding it.  Hunters were at every hut, setting up catapults and loading the ballista.  Viggo was standing at the entrance to Hiccup's hut.  "What!?"  I screeched.  "Oh, no no no!"  I cried, Frostflake diving at Viggo.  "Kiara!"  Snotlout burned the ballista arrow heading at us.

   "Cover us!"  I yelled, diving down.  Viggo didn't move as we came closer...and closer...and closer...

   We halted and landed behind him.  "Move, Viggo!"  I growled, narrowing my eyes.  Viggo turned to look at me.  "Kiara, you got past the defenses.  I'm surprised.  Not unharmed, I see."  His gaze cut to Frostflake's tail.  I looked and gasped, seeing an arrow lodged into it.  Frostflake's legs were slowly giving in.  I got off of her and she collasped, breathing heavily.

   I rubbed her head, then glared at Viggo.  "Get out of the way,"  I said in a low, dangerous voice.  He lifted his head and studied me for a long moment.  He sighed and shook his head.  Something was different about the way he stood.  He didn't speak, although I couldn't figure out why.  Maybe he didn't know what to say?  I could hear the other Riders struggling behind me.

   "You remind me of someone I used to know,"  Viggo mused.  "Not in the mood, Viggo,"  I growled.  "I'm aware.  Please listen to me, Kiara.  I just want to talk - still!"  "You poisoned Hiccup and nearly smashed an egg because you wanted to TALK!"  I screeched, racing at Viggo with my sword raised.  He easily blocked it with his, and we continued like this for a while.

   Finally, I stopped, breathing heavily.  "This is pointless,"  Viggo growled.  I looked up at him.  His hands were behind his back, and he was looking down at me.  He narrowed his eyes.  "Get rid of her."  He ordered suddenly.

   Arrows flew from the roof, and I quickly stumbled back, one of the arrows hitting my sword away.  I went to grab it, but the arrows stopped me.  Suddenly, I saw flames blasting the archers.  The Riders had made it past the defenses!  

   Astrid landed in front of me, glancing back.  "You ok?"  She called.  I nodded.  Viggo looked up at her Nadder without flinching.  "Gotcha."  Astrid smiled.  I quickly slid by to see Hiccup rolling and stretching.  "Wha - what happened?"  He mumbled, getting up.  "Here here here, drink this,"  I said quickly.  He gave me a weird look but took it, then just stopped himself from throwing up, although I saw him gag.

   I turned to see Fishlegs giving Frostflake the antidote, but she didn't react to it quickly.  He took out the unnecessarily long arrow and patted her tail, then joined Astrid with Meatlug.  Toothless, who I hadn't seen before, roared from his spot, plasmablasts ready.  

   Viggo was unfazed.

   "Back down, Viggo.  Accept it.  We've won."  Astrid said.  I felt a short burst of triumph, but it was short-lived.  It was muted.  Frostflake groaned and struggled up, walking over to me.  Viggo glanced back at me with a quirked eyebrow, and I sighed.  As much as I hated him, he was still my father.


   That night, Viggo was waiting for me in his cell in the stables.  The moonlight shone through the wide-open doors.  "Kiara."  He said in his chocolatey voice.  "You came."  "Here's the deal, Viggo, I'm going to bring you back to your base.  I'm going to leave you, and I'm going to trust that you fulfill this.  You're going to call a truce with the Dragon Riders.  You're going to surrender.  You're going to stop poisoning and attacking the Dragon Riders and dragons, and in return, I will save your life right here, and right now, got it?"  I snapped.

   Viggo chuckled.  "And if I don't agree?"  "Then you can rot here."  I snapped hotly.  "You see, Kiara, if I do agree, there's nothing stopping me from breaking the deal once you leave me."  Viggo pointed out, his hands behind his back.  "I am aware of that.  I am also taking your word for it."  I replied.

   "But is that a risk you're willing to take?"  Viggo raised his eyebrows.  "Viggo why are you basically trying to talk me out of this?"  I asked.  "Well, everyone will know it was you.  Everyone knows our connection, and you would be the only one not at the Maces and Talons marathon going on right now."  His gaze cut to the stable doors.

   "I don't care,"  I growled.  "I'm not coming back anyways."  The corner of Viggo's mouth lifted slightly as I opened the door.  Frostflake growled as Viggo got on after me.  We took off toward Viggo's base.

   "You know, with the Dragon Riders you have a lot more protection against your most formidable adversaries,"  Viggo said.  "You mean Krogan."  I guessed, narrowing my eyes.  Frostflake growled, and I patted her head lightly.  "There is strength in numbers, they do say."  Viggo continued.

   "Hm.  Amazing, really, how Heather and you both managed to stay with the Dragon Hunters, battling against your friends even though you really aren't, knowing that you're betraying your blood.  However it can often cloud one's mind, make even the most simple decisions vexing."

   "You know whats vexing, Viggo?"  I snapped, twisting to look at him.  "Why you're trying to get inside my head.  Because you see, I'd have thought you would have given up by now.  You see, I am focused, I am calm, what I am not is your daughter, your friend, your Maces and Talons buddy.  Now, why don't you just keep quiet, and let us both just get out to do what we came out to do?"

   "Well I'm sorry, was only trying to help."  Viggo's look was actually slightly sympathetic.  I heard something slide out of a sheath, and I was aware of Viggo raising a dagger over my head.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now