Chapter 38: Fight or Flight

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   I hopped on Frostflake and we took to the air.  Frostflake shot after the Riders, who had started to fly away and lead the vast majority of the Singetails away.

   The small chunk that had gone after Whiplash, Chroma, Frostflake and I rejoined the other Flyers as we caught up to the Riders.  "Come on!  Why are we running from these guys?"  I growled.  "Oh, I don't know, maybe because they're ruthless, out to kill?"  Fishlegs snapped.  "AND they outnumber us thirty to seven!"

   (I can't understand how to convert odds so... :))

   "Yeah, but why are we running from them?"  Snotlout chimed in.  I laughed, despite our perilous situation.  Hiccup rolled his eyes.  "Snotlout, I like where your head's at!"  Ruffnut laughed.  "Where's his head?  Did it get blown off?"  Tuffnut asked.  "Mmph!"  Hiccup growled.

   "Look, there's a fog bank!  We can lose them there!"  I pointed at some convenient fog (convenient fog is convenient, if it wasn't there they'd probably be dead).  "Then what do we do?"  Snotlout called as they changed course.  "We go home."  Hiccup said.  "To Berk."

   I stiffened.  I didn't like Berk.  Berk was...interesting.  But we had no other choice, so I agreed.

   When we got to Berk everyone seemed to slide into place immediately.  However, it seemed there were a few Vikings around that were still hesitant about trusting me.  I went for a walk in the woods that lined a cliff.  I saw catapults and arrows being readied at the docs.  Frostflake let out a mournful sound.  "I know, girl, I know,"  I said.  "It's not fair."

   "Kiara!  There you are!  We need you at the arena, now!"  Astrid called, swooping up toward the cliff.  She then flew away.  "Wait, Astrid!"  I jumped onto Frostflake and quickly followed her.  "I don't know where the arena is here!"

   "Follow me,"  Astrid said.  Soon, we landed in the arena.  "FINALLY."  Snotlout groaned.  "Uh...has something...changed?"  I pointed at where Throk was massaging Ruffnut's shoulders.  Tuffnut narrowed his eyes at him.  

   "We need to practice.  First, let's split up into teams.  And don't do...whatever it is that you do that...nevermind."  Astrid shook her head.  "Snotlout, the twins, and Kiara try to invade Berk.  On Whiplash this time, Kiara.  Since he's a Singetail, too, we'll be able to practice better."

   "Er...Whiplash doesn't like to be ridden..."  I said carefully.  Whiplash roared.  "But he can go alone?"  "Fine, you're with me and Fishlegs."  Astrid amended.  "Fishlegs and I,"  I muttered.  Astrid punched my arm.  "OW!  What!?"  I snapped.

   "Let's go."  She said, arming everyone with paint arrows and taking off.  Snotlout, Whiplash, and the twins took off and flew out to sea.  Fishlegs, Astrid and I waited for them.

   Snotlout and Hookfang burst forward, lit on fire.  Frostflake quickly dove out of the way, but Whiplash's fireballs were being flung around like crazy.  However, Whiplash STILL was fairly new to flying and was thrown off balance.  He stopped firing and straightened himself, but Frostflake rammed into his side.

   Whiplash roared and twisted to face her.  "Seriously!?"  He snapped.  "It's exercise!"  I called as he dodged a frost blast.  "GET USED TO IT!"  "Never have never will."  Whiplash objected, blasting fire at Fishlegs, Astrid and I.  Frostflake shot up right into Barf and Belch, making us fall toward the water.   Ruffnut and Tuffnut chuckled and high-fived.  "Yeah!"  Ruffnut giggled.

   "Kiara, you're out!"  Astrid called as Meatlug grabbed me.  Stormfly helped straighten Frostflake out and Fishlegs dropped me on her.  "Thanks, guys!"  I called.  "Meet you back at the arena!"

A few hours later...

Dear Diary,

      It's time.  Soon.  Definitely.  But how can I choose?  They split apart, but only to train.  I've always been a drifter, but for once maybe I can have a home.  But...she's the only one that I can't stand back-to-back with.  Do I split again?  Or do I stand down, hold my ground?  I've turned away from everyone, everything my family has ever stood for.  Can I turn away from her, too?  I wish you could help me decide.  

   Today was eventful.  We woke up and got some advice from 'Grandalf', an old man and a 'Dragon Expert' from the Defenders of the Wing on training Chroma, and we also found out that she will molt soon.  She's scratching against the stone walls of the arena as I write this.  It must be itchy.  Then the Flyers chased us off that island, and we retreated to Berk.  I lost in the training session almost immediately.  It's been a few hours, and they still haven't come back yet.  I hope they didn't forget that I'm here.  I don't know how to hold up.  

   And what do I do about Viggo?  I can't figure out what I feel about him.  I guess I kind of...but I can't, right?  That will just get in the way of everything I stand for.  Everything!  Father or not, I can't feel anything toward him.  Anything but hate.  But...when he fell into the volcano...I did kind of feel like I lost family.  There was a void in me that only filled when I saw Viggo alive.  But...he was hurt.  I think he's been alive for a while, considering he didn't seem like he was in pain from the scar.  Then again, it's Viggo, and he very well could have just hidden it.

   How can you be someone's enemy, but still feel like you're their friend?  Their buddy?  Their...their...dare I say, family.  I can't.  I just can't.  It will get in the way, and...ugh.  How do I make this feeling go away?  I can't fight it, I can't run from it...but if I own it...

   I closed the book.  The dark brown leather felt comforting against my fingers.  I opened it again to re-read the black words on the old, yellow pages.

   I can't feel anything toward him.  Nothing at all, but hate.  But I do.

   But why?

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