Chapter 36: Life Beyond Loss

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   "Come back for more, have you?"  Krogan met Frostflake and me in the skies.  I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth.  Several Singetails rose behind him and fired at us.  I flattened myself against Frostflake's back as she spun out of the way.

   "Are you sure about this, Kiara?  That's a LOT of Flyers!"  Frostflake called.  "Not entirely, but this is our home!  We HAVE to defend it!"  I called back, leaping off of her.  "You need to stop -"  Frostflake started, but I flashed into a dragon and zoomed away.  "doing that."  She finished with a sigh.

   I twisted away from fireballs and veered off from meeting Krogan.  I dove toward my hut and landed, but fireballs hit the entrance and drove me away.  I twisted and stared at my hut for a moment.  I can't let them get that much knowledge.  Especially not Viggo.  I thought, and then blasted a stream of fire across the roof.  That's when I heard an explosion.

   I turned, and Hiccup's hut was destroyed.  Suddenly, a fireball hit my wing from the back.  Frostflake swooped under me and I flashed into a human again.  "Thanks, Frostflake,"  I said, breathing heavily.  "The Riders have retreated to the Defenders of the Wing.  We have to follow."

   "What?  No!  We can't fall back!  We just can't!"  I cried.  Frostflake jerked away from another fireball.  "If we don't, we'll die."  She growled fiercely.  "Retreat if you want, then.  I'm not leaving!"  I stood up, but she quickly jerked back, making me fall, then twisted and snatched me in her little claws.

   "No."  She said sternly.  "You're not dying here.  Not today."  She dragged me through the air after the riders.  "Let them go."  I heard Krogan call.  "We got what we came here for."

Sorry for the really short chapter!

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now