14: Dire Straits

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   "No traders have come for months,"  Stoick said.

   It had been a day or so after saving Shattermaster, and we had gotten a distress Terror Mail from Berk, taking everyone's eyes away from me (thankfully). 

   "We've sent scouting boats to the Straits...none have returned."

   "Well, that route has been known to be a hotbed for Scauldrons."  Hiccup pointed out.  "Except the A-Team has scouted it out as well, and say the seas are calm, and quiet."

   "Hm.  Something's wrong.  We'll go check it out."  Hiccup said.  "Let me,"  I volunteered quickly.  I had a pretty good idea as to why the trade routes had stopped, based on what I had heard when we flew by that area.

   "No, we'll all go.  Together."  Hiccup said sternly.  I sighed.  Of course, he wouldn't let me go alone. 

   When we flew out to the Dire Straits, a Scauldron was waiting for us.  

   But somebody else was, too.

   I saw a thin stream of bubbles and a foul odor filled the air.  "Everyone clear the area, now!"  I yelled.

    "Clear the area!"  I roared down to the Scauldron.  It looked at me, confused for a moment, (as were the Riders), but obeyed as the others did.

   A giant man-eating whirlpool, named by the twins, tried to catch us and/or the Scauldron in its center before we escaped, but we did without any trouble.  "What's a Sumbaripper doing all the way out here?"  I murmured.

   "Two questions, what was that, and who just hissed like a Scauldron?"  Astrid asked.  Several fingers pointed at me.  "That was a Sumbaripper, a powerful Tidal Class dragon that normally anchors in deep waters.  This Sumbaripper has no reason to be here and we need to get it out."  I replied.

   "Bu - wha -"  Fishlegs started.  Frostflake dove into the water before he could finish.  "Why are you here?"  I roared through the water.  I lifted my head and broke the surface, then dipped my head back underneath the water for a reply.

   "I'm chained here."  The Sumbaripper's booming, yet somewhat sad voice sent a chill down my spine.  "Dragon Hunters."

   "We'll get you out, I promise,"  I replied, keeping out of sight for a while longer.  A few moments later Frostflake and I shot out from under the surface.  "The Sumbaripper didn't wander into the Straits - it was chained there!"  I called.

    "Chained?"  Astrid asked.  "With dragon proof chains,"  I replied.

   "How are we going to free it?  We can't break through the chains, and none of us can hold our breath long enough."  Hiccup asked.

    "Let me worry about the chains.  You worry about getting deeper."  Fishlegs said, flying off.

   I narrowed my eyes at the water.  Viggo.  He was targeting innocent people and children.  

   "Kiara?  Are you ok?"  Astrid asked while the others left.  "Viggo did this,"  I growled.  "He's targeting innocent people and children, Astrid.  It's not right.  It has to stop.  It has to end."

   Astrid placed her hand on my shoulder.  "I know.  It does."  I sighed.  "What's wrong?"

   "I grew up with Frostflake for almost as long as I can remember.  I can't remember most humans.  I have encountered humans before, honestly, but only briefly, and all enemies.  Like Dagur."  I admitted.  Astrid listened.  "And I've never really thought about a family, or who my parents are, or anything like that.  I only had Frostflake, and that's all I needed."  I rubbed Frostflake's head, making her purr.  "But then...Viggo, when he captured me, showed me a picture of me, someone I vaguely recognized, baby Frostflake and...him.  And he said he was my father.  And I don't believe him, but what if he really is?  How else would he have that picture?  What do I do then?  I don't want to join him, but if he is I don't want to fight him.  But I want to stay with you guys.  I really, really do."

   Astrid inhaled sharply.  "That's a pretty big conundrum.  But now the question isn't what you do.  It's what we all do, together, as a team."

    "Thanks, Astrid, but...can we keep this between you and me for now?"  I asked.  Astrid hesitated before nodded.  "Thank you."  I gave her a hug and we flew back to the village, where Hiccup had made some sort of diving bell contraption and Fishlegs had used Changewing acid to melt through the chains.


   "Hiccup, the A-Team just went to Storehouse Island for the last of the previsions,"  Astrid said a few hours later.  "I still need to take this down to Lars Lake for one final test."  Hiccup said, looking around at the starving people.  "Looks like there's no time for tests.  Gather the other riders.  We leave immediately."

   I had told the Sumbaripper that Hiccup was coming to save him and to not eat him.  The Sumbaripper agreed, and now Hiccup was going to melt the third chain holding the Sumbaripper down.  That's when Viggo's ship approached the Straits.

   I instantly jumped onto Frostflake, catching Astrid's slightly concerned glance.  "I'll be fine,"  I assured her, flying toward the ship.  Frostflake roared and dove at the ship, slicing the mast in half with her tail and blasting frost at Viggo and Ryker.  

   Astrid and the twins took out the catapults while Frostflake and I froze the ground beneath the archers, causing them to slip and fall.  A net flew at Frostflake and me, and we dove to the side and down toward the water.  Astrid flew up to where we were, flying at the net, and blasted it with fire.  

   I heard the Sumbaripper's happy roars as it was freed.  Ryker and Viggo suddenly came out of a small hatch in the bottom of the boat.  "Why would they just leave themselves exposed like that?"  Astrid wondered.  "They're up to something.  I bet they have some dragons pulling the -"  I cut off as four Seashocker heads popped up out of the water.

    "Yup,"  I said.  "Hold your fire!"  I called.  "We can't risk hitting those dragons."  Astrid nodded and we flew back to Berk, the trade lanes open again.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now