31: Shellshocked, Part Two

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   Viggo was pacing outside the clubhouse, Toothless growling at him when Frostflake and I landed.  A couple of moments later and Whiplash had managed to fly himself up from a few feet down.

   "I don't trust him,"  Astrid said.  I had chosen to stay with the Dragon Riders until Viggo was gone.  "Me neither."  I agreed.  "Well isn't he your -"  Tuffnut started.  I glared at him.  "Say it.  I dare you."  I growled, and he snapped his mouth shut.

   Ruffnut and Tuffnut blabbered in the corner.  "I'm with Astrid, this is all just one big game to him Hiccup."  Fishlegs agreed.  "Ryker is coming to try and wipe us all out along with his brother!"  Astrid said.  "Are we going to take any chances with Viggo here?"

   "Tell you what, she's got a point."  I agreed.  "You guys are right,"  Hiccup said.  "I got this."

   A little bit later Hiccup, Astrid and I were shoving Viggo into a cell.  AKA A dragon pen in the stables.  "Hiccup, you must reconsider!"  Viggo pleaded.  "Shut up, Viggo,"  I growled, narrowing my eyes at him.  "Viggo I'm sorry, there's just too much bad blood for us to trust that you won't do anything but try to - well, you know."

   "And the Dragon Eye's return?"  Viggo placed his hands on the bars.  "It did nothing to persuade your concerns?"  "Not enough,"  Astrid replied.  "Won't you stop talking?"  I begged.  "Ryker will attack this island with my Shellfire dragon!"  Viggo pressed his head through the wooden bars.  "I'm afraid he won't stop until all of you are - well, you know."  

   "That's - encouraging, as always, Viggo."  Hiccup said.  "You see that's just it!"  Viggo said.  "It's called sarcasm,"  I muttered, but Viggo continued to ignore me.  "I could be of considerable assistance in helping you defend your home if you would allow me."  He tried.  "We'll take that under advisement,"  Astrid said, crossing her arms after locking him in,

   "If we let you out of here we don't know what you'll do.  We have close to no reason to trust you wandering around on your own if we end up losing you.  Here, we won't lose you."  I said.  "They're here!  Well, not here, exactly, but very soon!"  Tuffnut cried, Ruffnut following him into the stables.

   "Translation Ruff?"  I asked.  "Dragon Hunters, multiple ships, heading this way."  Ruffnut translated.  Tuffnut started to say something about a deadly disease that I didn't understand.  "Just make sure he doesn't try to escape,"  I ordered, mounting Frostflake as Hiccup and Astrid mounted Toothless and Stormfly respectively.  

   We took off and by nighttime, we - including Dagur and Heather - were all lined up at the eye of the Edge in the open dome.  "Alright gang, we have until dawn.  They should be in range by then."  Hiccup said, pacing.  

   "Hiccup, I had a thought now follow me on this..."  Snotlout said.  "Oh boy, this should be good,"  I muttered.  "Ok, come along for the ride."  Snotlout continued.  "I don't know about you guys but I'm not totally attached to this place, alright, let it burn to the ground."

   Everyone blinked at him, including the baby Eruptodon Fishlegs was given to protect by the Defenders of the Wing.  

   "I mean it's been fun, great views, but is it really worth dying over that's what you have to ask yourself alright let's take a vote."  Snotlout raised his hand.  "Anyone?"  Nobody agreed.  "Snotlout if we don't stop them here where do you think they're gonna go next?"  Hiccup asked.  "Uuuuuuuuuuh..."  "Berk!"  

   Frostflake growled fiercely and Whiplash roared at Snotlout.  "We have to make our stand here and do whatever it takes to stop them. "  I said.  "Dagur, can you and Shattermaster cover the back of the Edge?  With the time you spent sneaking around you will have an advantage."  Hiccup said.  "On my way!"  Dagur said.  "And, uh, I take that as a compliment, the sneaking around part."

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