Chapter 48: Loose Ends

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   Dagur was at the Edge uninvited. 

   So, I decided to...invite him.

   I noticed Amber and Amythest's tail spines scattered around the clubhouse the night before, so I brought them with me.

  "This doesn't seem like inviting."  Frostflake pointed out as I stood up.  "Oh shush you." I said, throwing the spines in front of Sluether the Pokemon Dragon.  Sluether roared and jerked back, accidentally hurting Dagur's nose.  "That's your invitation to the Edge, Dagur, I'll let the others know you're here." I called, sitting back down.  Frostflake swooped away to Hiccup's hut before he could respond.

   "Hiccup, Dagur's here." I said, flinging open the door.  Nobody was there.  "Hm.  That's strange." I muttered.  I figured he must be on a different side of the island, but after gathering the other Dragon Riders and searching the island (with Chroma as well, who seemed close to another shed) I realized that wasn't the case.

    A terrible terror flew in, then fell on the table around the fire in the middle.  I reached for it first, recognizing the way Viggo's scrolled were rolled up.  "Why do you get to read it?" Snotlout grumbled.  "Because it's from Viggo." I replied, grabbing it. 

   I growled, my anger increasing with every word my eyes swept across.  

Dragon Riders,

    I'm sure you've noticed your missing leader and his dragon by now.  We know where he is, and he isn't returning anytime soon.  Unless you give us the Razorwhip twins.

   Midnight, Oleander Island, two days from now.


   I chuckled lightly.  "He doesn't transfer his way of speaking well on paper, does he?"  "Kiara?  What's wrong?" Astrid asked.  I lifted my head from the letter.  "Viggo wants to make a trade.  The Razorwhip twins for Hiccup."

    "What?  But that's crazy!  How do they even know about the Razorwhips?"  Snotlout snapped.  I accidentally crumbled the edge of the paper as a more stiff aura surrounded the Riders.  "And why do they want them want them so bad anyways?"  Astrid added.  "Look, whatever the reason, if these guys want the Razorwhips we definitely CANNOT give it to them." Snotlout said.

   "Agreed."  I nodded.  "But what are we supposed to do to save Hiccup?"  "We could ambush them!" Ruffnut cheerily suggested. I shook my head.  "You haven't seen the island, Ruff, there's no place for us to hide."  Astrid said.  "We need a plan." Snotlout said.  "We do.  In the meantime we need to hold down the Edge to make sure the Hunters don't take anybody else.  All dragons need to stay awake while their Riders sleep, and we need to put up more Gronkle Iron walls." Astrid ordered. 

   While she instructed the other Riders, I walked down to the beach.  "Ugh, why couldn't I have normal, non-Dragon hunting relatives?"  I sighed and face-palmed, leaning on Frostflake subconsciously without even knowing she was there.  "Kiara?"  I heard a voice ahead, and I looked up to see a familiar face I hadn't seen in a long, long time.  My eyes lit up. "Atali!"  I rushed forward, and she gave me a long hug.

   "You're alive!" Atali breathed.  "Last time I checked." I grinned. My grin faltered as I realized this was my sister, and I knew what she would ask me next. 

   "Kiara," Atali started.  "Have you found anything about our mother or father?"

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