16: Missing

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      I woke up and started for Kiara's hut.  She'd been...distanced lately.  "Kiara?"  I called.  No answer.  In fact, the little that Kiara had owned wasn't laying in plain sight like it usually was.  I went to the clubhouse, the garden, the lake, even the mountain, I couldn't find her.

   "Astrid, where have you been?"  Hiccup asked me when I finally got back from the mountain.  "Looking for Kiara.  Have you seen her around?"  Hiccup shook his head, looking grave.  "I was worried you were missing, too."

   "Hiccup, I found something!"  Fishleg's voice came from the stables.  "Look!"  He pointed at a note on Stormfly's pen as we rushed inside.

   I'm sorry Dragon Riders, but I have to go.  I've finally found family, and I can't leave him...I can't fight him, not after being alone for so, so long.  I will miss you, and I hope you don't hate me too much for this.

   I gasped.  "Oh no..."  "Uh-oh?  What?  What's the uh-oh?"  Snotlout asked.  "She talked to me about this before.  She's finally found family...she's finally found her father in the Dragon Hunters."  I said.  Gasps filled the room.  "She sounded so sure she wouldn't go...that she didn't believe him, but now..."

   "She's found her father in Viggo,"  I said.  

   Tuffnut burst out laughing.  "Hahahaha, that's funny, for a second I thought you said her father was Viggo."  He glanced around, then looked serious.  "I'll get the stake and firewood."  

   "What - no no no, we're not burning anyone at the stake!"  Hiccup cried.  "Hiccup's right,"  Ruffnut agreed.  "We'll just throw her off the cliff!"  "Guys!"  Hiccup moaned.  "We have to figure this out."

   A few days later...

   Frostflake and I stepped out on the deck.  "Viggo...Dragon Riders."  I pointed, shaking slightly.  I had gotten faintly used to being on the Dragon Hunting boat, and it wasn't that bad.  

   Viggo nodded.  "I see them.  Archers, at the ready.  Kiara, get in the air."  I hesitated.  "Are you sure?"  "It'll happen eventually, get into the air!"  Viggo snapped.  

   I nodded and quickly got on Frostflake, then lifted into the air.  "Is that...Kiara?"  I heard someone ask, but I wasn't sure who.  

   "Kiara!"  Tuffnut yelled.  "What are you doing?"  Hiccup shouted.  Frostflake made a low, sympathetic noise.  "Archers, fire at will!"  Ryker yelled from down below.

   The Dragon Riders scattered, avoiding the arrows.  Frostflake dashed at Snotlout while I jumped in the opposite direction and, in a flash, became a Fire Wraith.  Gasps of shock came from the Riders and Hunters, giving me a small window to push the twins off of their dragon.  "Just stun her."  I heard Hiccup say.

   I dove out of the way of a plasma blast and shoved myself into the Night Fury's underbelly.  I heard Frostflake struggling with Hookfang and abandoned Toothless.  A shriek came from Fishlegs and Frostflake twisted away from Hookfang.  I flew over to Fishlegs, making him relax.  "Kiara, you sure are full of surprises and a sight for sore eyes!"

   I wished he was right about what I was doing.  I kept the other Riders away from Fishlegs as he and Meatlug got reeled in and tossed into a cell.  I leaped toward Frostflake and turned back into my normal self along the way, landed on her back.

   "They've got Fishlegs and Meatlug!"  Astrid yelled.  "Really Astrid, I haven't noticed!"  Snotlout yelled back.  Frostflake blasted frost at Hookfang, making him jerk to the side and Snotlout fall off and shriek in terror.  "Hookfang!"

   Hookfang was taken in a net and Frostflake grabbed Snotlout, bringing him over as well.  "Keep them apart,"  I suggested, twisting to face Astrid.  Stormfly shot her spines at us but we easily avoided them.

   Frostflake blasted frost at Stormfly, making her dive down right into the arrows.  Windshear shot spines and fire at Frostflake, making us roll out of the way into Hiccup and Toothless, which knocked them into the water.  They were quickly netted, leaving Heather the only one left.  The twins had been taken down earlier.  

   "Kiara, what are you doing?  These people are evil!"  Heather yelled.  "What one soul may consider evil, another may consider righteous,"  I called back, dodging her spines and telling Frostflake to freeze her wings together.  

   Windshear started falling and got captured in a net.  Frostflake and I landed next to Viggo.  "Good girl,"  I told her.

   "You did well.  Throw them all in separate cells."  Viggo said.  I felt a chill run down my spine.  "Me?"  "Yes, you,"  Viggo said.  

   I realized other hunters were already taking away the other Riders, so I took Astrid.  "What are you doing here?"  She whispered to me.  I narrowed my eyes and shoved her into a cell.  "Following my bloodline.  My destiny."  I told her.

   "I can't believe this.  After all, we did for you." Astrid said. I know it's not Dragon's Edge but...it'll have to do. Enjoy your new home, Astrid. You're gonna be here a while."

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now