Chapter 46: Not So Stoick, Stoick

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   We were waiting in front of Stoick's house.  Honestly, I was scared.

   "I WANT EVERYTHING GATHERED FROM JOHAN'S LAST SHIPMENT NOW!"  Stoick roared, stomping out of his house.  I backpedaled out of his way as quickly as I could manage without falling over.  "Do I have to be here?"  I muttered.  "You can go back to the Edge,"  Astrid said.  "I'll tell Hiccup you're guarding it."

   I nodded gratefully at her.  "Thanks."  I hopped onto Frostflake and we flew back to the Edge.  It'd be nice to see how Whiplash and Chroma were getting along.

   When we got there, we discovered the Razorwhip egg was ALMOST DONE HATCHING FINALLY.  I jumped up and down in excitement and watched as two large, silver wings forced the side of the egg open.  I jumped back as the laster layer of shell flew everywhere.  A razor-like, long, silver tail smacked the bottom middle of the egg open in front of me, and I jumped out of the way.  Scraping noises came from inside, and a head poked out in the same hole as the tail.

   I blinked in surprise.  That couldn't be right, could it?  But the wings hadn't moved.  I blinked again several times.  "Are you seeing this?"  I finally asked Whiplash and Frostflake.  Whiplash tilted his head and nudged the egg lightly.  "I think so."  "Whiplash!"  Frostflake smacked his face with her tail.  "Ow!  What?"  Whiplash moaned, rubbing his snout.

   Suddenly, the egg shattered.  Two small, newborn Razorwhips stumbled onto the ground in its place.  "Twins!?"  My hands flew over my mouth as I registered what I had just said and what I saw, shocked.  Chroma bounced up and chirped happily.  "Fwends!"  She raced at them.

   "Woah woah woah, Chroma, don't!"  I reached out a hand to stop her, but Whiplash's tail blocked her first.  "They literally just hatched and they're blind."  I pointed out.  "Might wanna calm down there."

   Chroma frowned and her butterfly-like wings drooped.  "Go see if Garf wants to play,"  I suggested.  Chroma perked up and Whiplash took her to wherever Garf was.  The Razorwhips nearly walked off the clubhouse area while we were distracted before Frostflake quickly stopped them.

   "What should we name them?"  Frostflake asked, tilting her head and using her tail to slowly move the Razorwhips back inside.  They bumped into walls and several other things before Frostflake and I finally put them between Frostflake's wing and tail.  "I don't know,"  I responded honestly.  "If only there were comments that could help up figure out a name..." I winked at the magical book called Wattpad in the corner.

   "Yeah."  Frostflake nodded.  "If only...hey, maybe the Riders will have some name ideas?"  I nodded back.  "Sure.  Let's bring them, too."  As we flew back to Berk, I scanned the babies for any differences and found surprisingly quite a few.

   For one, the first Razorwhip that I saw had a dark gray edge around the inside of its eyes, almost black colored, and there was a thin bright red line around his pupil.  There was a thin bright yellow coloring around that, but about twice the size as the red line.  The other parts of the eye were an unnatural dark gray.  This one was grayer now that he was out of his shell, with edges of black on his small spines.

   The other one was a lighter silver that reflected the light beautifully.  There was a thin line of cobalt around her pupils and a thin gold line around that, the same size this time.  The rest of her eyes were sky blue with two white clouds in them and a black edge around the inside of the eye.  White edged her spines, and she was longer and more elegant than her brother.  She was also smaller, though.

   I swiped some hair back behind my ear.  What was so different about them?

   "Uh...Kiara?"  Frostflake halted, and I looked up from the babies in my arms.  I gasped.

   Berk was on fire, and the Flyers had the dragons locked in cages.

   I bit my lower lip and felt my heart begin to race.  "This is...not good."

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now