17: Lost Ways

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   "Kiara, come,"  Viggo said.  I heard Hiccup growl in frustration as we walked by his cell. 

   To my surprise, we walked straight for Viggo's area.  He motioned to the cage area that didn't have a gate, where Frostflake had been sleeping, and I nodded.  I pointed at it, then made a circle motion with my figure.  Frostflake nodded and laid down, her tail covering her face.

   Viggo sat down at his desk, and I leaned on a wall in a shadow.  Soon Ryker brought Hiccup in, and I had to look away.  I felt Viggo looking at me and turned back.  He was only looking at me out of the corner of his eyes, and when I looked back he looked away.

   "What do you want, Viggo?"  Hiccup growled.  "To compliment you, Hiccup.  You and your Dragon Riders have put quite the dent in my bottom line."

   "You said this already, alright, now what have you done to Kiara?  Even if you are her father she wouldn't just turn away from us just like that!"  Hiccup said.  And he was right.  Had he already figured it out, even before Viggo had?

   "I've done nothing, she came with me out of her own free will.  Isn't that right, Kiara?"  Viggo's chocolatey voice invited me out into the open, his fingers interlaced with one another.  I stepped into the light, and Hiccup gasped.  "Kiara?"

   I met his gaze, trying to be unflinching but failing and looking down at the floor in shame.  Suddenly an explosive sound came from the cells.

   Viggo shot to his feet and ran to the door, opening it.  He made a growling noise.  "Stop him!"  I raced forwards and saw Toothless and Frostflake facing off, plasma and frost gathered in their throats respectively.  

    I flicked one finger up and folded it back down.  Toothless blasted a plasma blast at Frostflake and it hit Frostflake's defensive wing, making her get blasted back.  I ran up to her, concerned.  "You'll be ok in a couple of days,"  I assured her.  Frostflake made a small sound as Toothless broke the Dragon Riders and their dragons free and escaped.

   "Archers, fire!"  I heard Ryker's voice above deck.  

   Suddenly, Windshear flew back down and roared at me.  Frostflake got up and roared at her in return.  Windshear sliced her tail across Frostflake's ankle, and she sliced her tail across Windshear's wing in turn.  Windshear tripped Frostflake and I with her tail.  Pain shot through me as my head hit the wooden deck, then everything went dark.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now