Chapter 70: Revived Memories

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   Stoick took his helmet off as Valka backed away.

   I inhaled sharply and went back to being a person.  Cloudjumper and Frostflake landed behind us, apparently preferring to fly in rather than go through the tight cave.  Hmm, wonder why.

   "I know what you're gonna say, Stoick.  How could I have done this?  Stayed away all these years and why didn't I come back to you?  To our son?"  Valka started.  I exchanged a glance with Hiccup, not exactly knowing what to think.  "Well.  What sign did I have that you could change, Stoick?  That anyone on Berk could?"  Valka continued.  I gave Hiccup a confused look.  "I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer but did any of you listen?"  

   "This is why I never married.  Well, this, and, one other reason."  Gobber murmured to Hiccup.  "Ssh!"  I snapped quietly.  Cloudjumper and a couple of other dragons I recognized as Storm and Fern (a gray-purple dragon and a mostly light green dragon) had started creeping closer to Stoick.

   "I know I left you to raise Hiccup alone,"  Valka said.  "I thought he'd be better off without me.  And I was wrong, I see that now, but -"  Stoick had slowly been advancing on Valka, who had ended up pressed against a wall.  "Oh, stop being so stoick, Stoick.  Go on, shout, scream, SAY something!"

   Stoick's hand lightly brushed her cheek.  "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."  He murmured.  Tears rolled down Valka's cheeks as she exhaled, surprised and relieved.  The dragons shrank back, except for Frostflake, who had started to walk up next to the chieftain.

   Stoick's lips pressed against Hiccup's mothers, and it reminded me of the time that I had discovered Viggo was my father.  It was funny, how so, so different the ways we had found one of our missing parents were.  Hiccup was fascinated, but I was resentful.  Hiccup wanted to follow in her footsteps because he already was, but I refused to.

   Frostflake backed up.  Hiccup let out a puff of air, a smile flickering on and off of his face.

   "Come,"  Valka said, then ran off to another part of the tunnel area.

   We had ended up in another cave-room, an opening out onto an icy pillar on one side and a wall with a campfire near the other wall that Grump was sleeping on, with Gobber leaning on him.  There was a table with plates of food on another wall.  

   "And where we used to make weapons?  We fix dragon teeth!"  Hiccup laughed, filling his mother in on what had changed in Berk.  "You won't believe how much everything's changed."  I narrowed my eyes in confusion.  "I'll explain later."  Hiccup said.  Suddenly, a familiar cry split the air.  It was soothing, but piercing and the dragons were drawn to it.

   "CHROMA!  IN HERE!"  I yelled.  "PLEASE DON'T DO THIS RIGHT NOW!"  A moment later the cry stopped, and a moment after that the purple Death Song landed on the icy pillar and came into the room.  Viggo hopped off of her, patting her neck, and glanced around.  His gaze landed on Valka, and her eyes widened.  "You shouldn't be here."  She gasped quietly.

   It felt like time was standing still.  Grump and Gobber laying on one wall, the dragons and us on the wall Gobber was facing, with Chroma and Viggo opposite.  "What's going on?" I asked.  "Mom?  Do you know him?"  Hiccup asked.  "Yes...he's a Hunter."  Valka reached for her staff when I realized what was going on.  "Wait wait wait, no, no no no."  I said, quickly stepping in front of her as she raised her staff.  "He's with us now."  Valka glanced at Viggo and he nodded.  Chroma lowered her head beside his with a protective growl.

   "Ok."  Valka turned away and grabbed a cup, then walked over to a spot where water was falling down.  "Where have you been?"  Viggo asked.  I gave him a 'are you blind?' look.  "Um...catching up with Hiccup's mom?  Hello?"

   "Guys!"  Hiccup snapped softly, which when I realized there was a soft whistling in the air, and it wasn't from Chroma.

   "I'll swim and sail on savage seas..."  Stoick sang softly.  "With ne'er a fear of drowning...and I will gladly ride the waves of life... if you will marry me."  He took Valka's hand in his.  "Nor scorching sun, nor freezing cold, will -"  "Will stop me on my jour - ney...sorry."  Gobber started dancing and singing jollily, then stopped and sat down at the piercing glares shot his way.

   "If you will promise me your...heart.  And love..."  Stoick trailed off, his grip on Valka's hand loosening as he started to pull away.  "And love me for eternity..."  Valka continued, making Stoick perk up.  She held up her arm against Stoick's, and they started dancing.  "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me, but I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me!"  Stoick started laughing.

   Hiccup and I watched, huge grins on our faces.  "But I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry -"  Stoick sang.  "Oh, would you?"  Valka asked.  " - and I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me."  "I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry I only one your hand to hold!"  Valka sang.  "I only want you near me!"  Stoick grinned.

   They started singing together.  "To love and kiss and to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dreaming, through life's sorrows, and delights, I'll keep your laugh inside me, I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning, and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me!"  Gobber had joined in halfway through and stretched out his me.  He was quickly cut off by Frostflake, Chroma and me while Stoick and Valka laughed gleefully.  

   Suddenly, Toothless, Chroma, Cloudjumper and I (who had turned back into a Fire Wraith to smack Gobber on the head) heard a call.

   And it wasn't a good one.

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