Chapter 81: Tounge, Silver, and Sharp

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   I woke up the next morning to cries of distress.

   I instantly jumped to my feet and raced the other dragons outside.  I immediately recognized the sail symbol, and let out a groan.  "FOR ALL THE GOOD -"  I cut myself off.   Frostflake gave me a concerned look.  I narrowed my eyes.  "Let's go."

   Frostflake, Chroma and I dove out in the lead, Chroma catching Viggo as he jumped off of the cliff edge his little compact hut was built by.  Frostflake hit the side of the lead boat with frost as I took out the catapults.

   I narrowed my eyes.  No Yournsky.  Hm...that was new.  "Yournsky!"  I roared, trying to draw him out.  "Halt!"  A Hew with a gold shirt raised a hand.  "You want to know where your brother is, I presume?"  He said.  I narrowed my eyes, confused now.

   A trapdoor was opened, and from it, a dusty, dirty Yournsky emerged with a sword at his throat.  I narrowed my eyes, meeting his pleading gaze.  Pfft, please.  Like I'd do anything for him, even save his life, with all of the families he's hurt - all the people and dragons that he's killed and -

   I exhaled.  He just expected me to help him?

   "Surrender your island, our your brother will meet his fate."  The hunter said.  I shrugged, showing my complete disinterest in him.

   "Really, Kiara?"  Yournsky rasped.  He sounded like he hadn't had water for days.  There goes the 'lifelike manikin' theory, I thought.   "Who was there when no one else was?  Who hunted food and let us survive to grow apart?"  I winced.  "Who tried to kill me immediately after?"  I spat back, although he couldn't understand me, trying my best to ignore his fierce words.

   "Who stuck with you when no one else would?  When Atali left and we were lost on our own?"  Yournsky continued.  "AGH I hate you.  Please, kill him."  I pleaded the Hews, still a dragon.  Finally, I dove down and blasted fire at the ships.  I heard a slicing sound, and the sound of gurgling...y'know what, I didn't look to see.  

   I bet the Hew didn't expect that.

   As this new Hew leader didn't have the formations memorized that was one reason why the Hews were so formidable, we quickly took down the ships and the new Hew leader.

   That was...fairly easy.  I was surprised.  I never really thought a coop would arouse with the Hews, and least of all make them even easier to take down.  

   I saw and settled into bed again, trying to block out Yournsky's last words from my head.

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