13: News

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   "Wait!  Put me down!  Hiccup, Heather!"  Dagur yelled.  

   Frostflake growled lowly.

   "I need to get my dragon back!  Kiara, Heather!"  Dagur cried.

   Heather gave me a strange look.  "Feel lucky we're not carrying you or you'd be at the bottom of the ocean with your hands tied!"  I snapped.

   "I am working for the Hunters, Hiccup!"  Dagur admitted.  "I knew it!"  Heather said.  "But only because they have Shattermaster!  He's on a shipment of Gronkles heading to port.  I was just trying to save my dragon!  And now it's too late, I'll never see Shattermaster again!"

   Hiccup and Heather exchanged surprised glances and landed on a sea stack.

   I landed on another sea stack nearby and finished my letter to Viggo.  


   I don't believe you, but what if you say is true, I must admit, I am curious as to how a "family" works. I'm more used to the dragon type of family. I still don't trust you, but I will give you a chance if you are who you say you are. I've never thought about finding out who my parents are, to be honest.  Meet me at Armorwing Island at noon in two weeks.


   I sent the Terror off with my letter and heard wingbeats behind me.  I looked up to see Heather and Hiccup in the air.  "Oh come on,"  I muttered, getting on Frostflake and following.

   "Why would an iron macen want Gronkles?"  Dagur wondered.  "Gronkle iron!"  I called from the back.   

   "There!  That's it!  That's where the Gronkles are!"  After a bit of flying, Dagur pointed at an island.  "I almost feel bad for those Hunters."  He said when we landed.  "They have no idea what's coming.  Let's show them what four angry Dragon Riders can do."

   "Woah, woah, woah, hold on, uh, Dagur, first of all, you're not a -"  Hiccup started.  "Don't worry baby, Daddy's coming!" Dagur leaped toward the camp area.  "Dragon Rider."  I finished for him.  "So, shall we go rescue our brother?"  Hiccup asked.

   "I'm gonna kill him,"  Heather said, taking off.  "Wait when did that -"  I started, but they were already off.  " -happen."

   Frostflake growled lowly.  "I know, girl.  I don't like it either."  Suddenly a Terrible Terror flew into my face - the same one from earlier.  "Ow!"  I muttered, getting him off of me.  

   In two days.  I would accept your proposal but, time is of the essence. 

   I growled.  

   Fine.  In two days.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now