Chapter 44: Impractical Jokers, Part One

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   A/N:  This is a chapter purely for fun in honor of the Impractical Jokers movie!  (For those of you that don't know what that is look it up, it's hilarious!)

   "Johan has been playing us all for years!"  Astrid cried.  "And the twins are the reason you figured this out?"

   "Hey, to lighten the mood, let's try something!"  I said.  "Also while we're waiting for the egg to hatch,"  I added.  

   "What is it?"  Fishlegs asked.  "Basically we all give one person a challenge - all the same theme - and then they have to do it.  Whoever refuses or fails the challenge the most gets a punishment they can't refuse."  I explained.

   "Sounds fun,"  Fishlegs said.  "It could work." Astrid agreed.  Tuffnut and Ruffnut chuckled mischievously.  "I mean I guess..."  Snotlout said.  "Ok, who's being challenged first?"  Hiccup said.  Everyone's gaze turned to Snotlout.  His eyes widened.  "Oh no."

   "I hate you.  You know that, right?"  Snotlout said, flipping through paper we had given him.  He was dropped off at the Defenders of the Wing and given things he had to say or do.  We were all watching from hidden places nearby.  Mala knew and was in.

   Snotlout approached a Defender.  "Hey,"  He said in a rough-and-tough voice.  "You wanna go, bro?  You wanna go?"  I bit my lower lip and held back giggles.  The Defender gave him a weird look and walked off.  "Yeah!"  He called after him.  "Coward!"

   A few minutes later five Defenders had Snotlout pinned to the ground.  "Snotlout Outlout."  He croaked.

   I inhaled sharply, reading my first line.  "And I know exactly how he feels,"  I muttered.  "Haha!"  I heard Snotlout laugh.  "Snotlout!"  Astrid scolded him.  "What?"  He snapped.  "Ow ow ow ow ow."

   I recognized Tuffnut and Ruffnut's horrible handwriting.  "Ruff, Tuff..."  I groaned.  I walked up to a Defender.  "Hey,"  I winked.  "Uh..."  She said.   "So...what are you doing tonight?"  I put my hands on my hips, dying inside on the inside at every word.  "Sleeping."  She replied.  "What's your name?"  I asked.  "Alateri."  She responded.  "You?"  "Kiara.  Do you want up later?"  I asked.  She gave me a dead stare.

   "Die in a hole,"  Alateri said, then stalked off.

   I glared at the twins.  "Prepare to die."  They giggled.

   The twins were on the same turn, mainly so they wouldn't kill each other writing challenges.  And I was glad.

   The twins approached Throk.  "Throk, I would like to marry you,"  Ruffnut said.  Throk's eyes widened in shock.  "I would love to marry you,"  Throk said.  "Queen Mala!"  He rushed off.  Tuffnut approached a random Defender.  "Will you marry me?"  He got on his knees.  Alateri, the Defender he had approached, punched him in the face and stalked off with a 'what is going on?' expression.

   "Throk Reman, do you take Ruffnut Thorston as your beloved wife?"  Mala asked.  "I do."  "Ruffnut Thorston, do you take Throk Reman as your husband?"  "I do."  "Are there any objections?"  Mala asked.  "I OBJECT!"  Tuffnut poured a bunch of disgusting things on Throk and Ruffnut, and they fled the area.

   Astrid punched ten Defenders, and they all punched back.


   Hiccup instantly refused his challenge to insult everyone he saw.

   Everyone was ecstatic that they got to punish Hiccup and not die from it.  And I had the perfect plan that everyone edited in their own way.  


(I have no ideas so does anyone wanna give me one?  XD.)

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