12: Saving Shattermaster

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                     I don't believe you, but what if you say is true, I must admit, I am curious as to how a "family" works.  I'm more used to the dragon type of family.  I still don't trust you, but I will give you a chance if you are who you say you are.  I've never thought about finding out who my p..."

   Astrid read back at the clubhouse.  Everyone stared at me.  I couldn't meet their gaze.  They didn't understand.  They all grew up with a family at some point, but me...I hadn't.  At all.

   A terrible terror suddenly flew in, saving me.  "We'll continue this discussion later."  Hiccup declared, picking the letter off of the Terror's leg.

   I gave Mala a sideways look.  Not too long ago, she had practically tried to kill all of us, and now Snotlout was going to be sent into his death as well.  

   "Alright everyone, there was a hooded stranger at the Northern Markets, and we must find out what's going on there."  Hiccup said.  "Fishlegs, Astrid and the twins, you stay here and make sure Snotlout doesn't die."

   "Keyword, DOESN'T,"  I emphasized for them.  "Heather, Kiara and I -"

   "Woah woah woah, do you really think it's a good idea to bring Kiara with you right after what we just read?"  Astrid interrupted.  I gave her a look.  "You know I'm literally right here, right?"

   "Astrid, can we talk about this later?  Please?"  Hiccup begged.  "Fine,"  Astrid said.

   "Let's go."  Hiccup and Heather took off with us behind them.  We flew slightly away from them.  Soon enough I saw a flash of metal-like scales on Frostflake's wing before they had to pull away to flap.

   "You ok?"  Heather asked.  I shook my head.  "Yeah."  "What's wrong?"  She pressed.  "Just...something Viggo said."

   "He gets to us all, don't worry."  Hiccup assured me.  Not like this, I bet.  I thought.  "Oh look, we're here.  Yipee."  Frostflake shot ahead of the others and we landed in the forest a couple of miles away from the market.

   We put on some sort of disguise that made us look like the Defenders of the Wing.  It was tight and barely allowed me to breathe.  I hated it, but they wouldn't let me keep my usual hood on, even though I'd been there before.  But I didn't want to blow my cover.

   "You three stay back, we can't be stealthy if there are three huge dragons following us,"  I said to the dragons, giving each of them chin scratches.  

   We went to the iron man or whatever they had called him.  I picked up a spear, studying it.  "These items are spoken for."  A hunter suddenly approached me, snatching the spear away.  I narrowed my eyes and held my hand up before Hiccup could speak.  

   I didn't say anything, just turned to a different box.  The same hunter came up and snatched it away.  "What have you not 'spoken for'?"  I asked calmly.  The hunter just made a growling sort of noise and didn't reply.

   "Let's go.  We'll have to come back another day."  I said, turning to Hiccup and Heather.  We started walking away.  "Good job,"  Heather whispered to me.  I nodded to her appreciatively.  

   Suddenly a plasma blast shot at an apple cart, making the market erupt with chaos.  I was quick to jerk Hiccup and Heather into an alleyway, my sword drawn.  Frostflake leaped in front of me and slammed the hunters that had raced after us in a wall with her tail, knocking them out.

   "We have got to get out of here, now!"  The three of us ran toward the docks, but I halted at the edge of the cliffs.  At the docks, Dagur was standing and laughing with some of the Dragon Hunters.  "Wait - is that - but we saw -"  Hiccup started.

    "I know what we saw, but that's DAGUR!"  Heather said.  I didn't wait.  I leaped onto Frostflake and dove for Dagur, blasting the hunters around him into the water.   "Kiara wait!"  Hiccup yelled, cutting me off.  Frostflake went around him and continued.  

   Dagur turned to me, his gaze lighting up.  "Kiara!"  I narrowed my eyes and leaped off of Frostflake, rushing toward Dagur, which is when he realized I wasn't trying to give him a hug.  

   Dagur dodged me but didn't try to attack me himself.  Toothless quickly stopped me and Hiccup snatched away my sword.  "Wait, no, Dagur is not the enemy!"  He cried.

   I looked up at him, dazed.  "WHAT!?"  I shrieked, making Toothless and him wince.  "Are you CRAZY!?"

   Heather snatched up Dagur, so I gave in and followed them, Hiccup holding my sword for the time being.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now