25: Living on the Edge, Part One

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   I woke to see a catapult crash into a dragon, forcing it back into a tree.

   I scrambled to my feet upon seeing arrows and shook the other dragons around me awake as well.  "We need to get into the air!"  I cried, mounting Frostflake.  She burst into the skies with a fearsome roar, narrowing her eyes at the ship.

   A golden fist was on the sails of the ships.  It looked slightly like a skeleton hand, and it only had three fingers.  There was a trail behind it that swooped around to the fingers again, reminding me of the Dragon Hunters.  The ships were small but were armed with crossbows, catapults, and nets.  Each was armed with a single ballista, and I knew who they were.

   "Alright everyone, give 'em all you got!"  I yelled, and the dragons of the islands charged forward, blasting ice and destroying the catapults and ballistas

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   "Alright everyone, give 'em all you got!"  I yelled, and the dragons of the islands charged forward, blasting ice and destroying the catapults and ballistas.  I recognized the tips.  Deadly Nadder spines.  These were definitely who I thought they were.  

   "Frostflake, there!"  I pointed at a man at the front of the boat that was at the head of the fleet.  We blasted frost just behind him, and he turned and looked up at us.  "Leave, now!  Or we'll make you!"  I challenged, narrowing my eyes.

   The man was burly and pale, and his hair was a chocolate brown.  He had a helmet with three spikes going down the center of it, each of them painted gold.  He had a belt with a gold snowflake medallion, and dark brown clothing with pockets edged by gold coloring.

   The edges of his pale mouth lifted on one side.  "Kiara, how nice to see you again.  I had begun to think you had died.  I was so, so worried."  "Cut the act, Yournsky.  Leave.  Now."  I growled, Frostflake gathering frost in her throat.

   "I'm thinking no."  Yournsky's voice was eerily similar to Viggo's, and yet so far apart you couldn't even think for a second that they were related in any way.  "Chart A, Sweep!"  He called back.  Frostflake and I blasted frost at a group of arrows that came for us.

   We flew along the side of the boats, but soon were shot at and were driven higher up in an area where we were easier to hit.  We struggled to stay in the air and avoid the arrows, which was why we hadn't noticed when a catapult smashed into Frostflake's wing and we started falling.

   Suddenly, I saw Hookfang grab Frostflake before a net could catch her.  I felt paws grip my arms and Toothless looked at me with a happy look on his face, his ears up and his pupils dilated.

   Toothless dropped me back on Frostflake when she recovered, but he got hit into the trees.  We started flying toward Yournsky but halted when we saw Hiccup and Toothless crash.  We blasted the center of the ship and turned back into the trees.

   "Kiara, are you ok?"  Hiccup asked as we landed.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  Frostflake...she'll get better soon."  I glanced back at her.  I hope.  "Kiara, who was that guy?"  He asked.

   I inhaled sharply.  "That's Yournsky...my brother."

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now