Chapter 60: King's Titan

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   Dagur, Heather, Hiccup, Astrid, the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Snotlout, Viggo and I were all in the Edge clubhouse.

   "Are you going to put the lens in front of the lens and light the lens or WHAT already!?"  I asked, jumping up and down in excitement.   "If you don't tell Toothless to light up the Dragon Eye, I will no longer be held accountable for my actions!"  Fishlegs yelled.

   "Toothless, you heard the crazy screaming Vikings."  Hiccup chuckled.  "WE ARE NOT CRAZY."  I objected loudly.  "Mmmmm...I beg to differ."  Whiplash disagreed.  Frostflake chuckled and Chroma hid a smile while Amber and Amythest laughed.  Toothless chuckled as well and lit the Dragon Eye.

   A map appeared, and gasps came around the room.  "It's a Titanwing Dramilion!"  Fishlegs cried.  Several heads turned his way.  "What?  Ok, fine, I snuck out one night, we need to get to Dramilion Island right away!"  Fishlegs mounted Meatlug and quickly flew off.

   "Viggo, hop on,"  I said, mounting Frostflake.  Frostflake growled.  "Not you,"  I assured her.  "Her."  I nodded to Chroma, who had grown a strange kind of fondness toward Viggo.  She happily butted Viggo onto her and took off after Fishlegs.  Amber and Amythest tried to fly again, and, to my surprise, it worked!  "You guys and Whiplash are too similar,"  I muttered.

   "Hey!  We are NOT!  I am much more dignified than them!"  Whiplash snapped.  "Aren't you also the one that got caught?"  Amber teased.  "SO not the point."  Whiplash snorted, speeding up.  Chroma cheered and flipped, and Viggo made a weird half-yelp-half-cry sort of noise.

   I laughed.  After a bit of flying, Toothless suddenly stopped.  "Uh...why are we stopping?  I thought the point was to get there faster than Johann!"  Snotlout yelled.  "It was,"  I said, narrowing my eyes.  Chroma growled and dove toward several ships.  My eyes widened.  "Chroma, no!"  Frostflake and I dove after her.

   "Easy, dragon!"  Viggo cried.  The Flyers turned and started blasting fire at Chroma.  "Bad idea bad idea!"  She cried, twisting up.  After a way, the Singetails fell back, and Chroma and Viggo regrouped.  Viggo looked like he was sick to his stomach, and I laughed despite the perilous situation.

   "Well, so much for that surprise!"  Astrid yelled.  "Look out!"  She twisted out of the way of a blast.  "Hiccup, Astrid, we'll distract them, get the Dramilion!" I called.  "Hiccup and Astric flying in the sky -" Stormfly started.  "Getting all K - I - S - S - Y!" Toothless grinned.  I laughed and turned into a dragon.  Between Amber, Amethyst, Chroma, Whiplash, Frostflake and I along with the other Riders,  including Heather and Dagur, we were about evenly matched with the Flyers, although they were losing people quickly. 

   Frostflake blasted frost at two Singetails, causing them to roll away and knock their Flyers into each other.  She blasted the chains off and the Singetails flew away with roars of thanks and delight.  

   Then catapults, nets, and arrows came into the situation.  "Uh...guys...look out!"  I roared, blasting a net.  "They can't under -"  Frostflake twisted underneath a boulder and blasted the catapults.  " - stand you!"  She finished, hitting me away from some arrows.  

   I glanced over at the island and realized Hiccup and Astrid were being attacked by some new dragons - Dramilions, probably - and were outnumbered.  "Guys!  We have to help Hiccup and Astrid!"  Chroma cried.  "No kidding!"  I could see the shape of Viggo on Chroma's back, slowly rising to a sitting position before she shot off.  "Frostflake, you go with Chroma, Whiplash, you too!  Everyone else -" I called as I turned back to myself and landed on Amber's neck.  "Clear the area!"  I quickly jumped off and became a dragon again.

   "Amber, Amythest, fire!"  I called once the area was cleared.  The sisters looked at each other with wide, understanding eyes and blasted their - what I decided to call - power blasts.  The weapons and ships crumbled, and so did the dragon proof chains.  Unfortunately there were some ships out of the range of the power blast, but we wouldn't have to worry about them until they came in range.

   I roared happily and went to help Hiccup, Astrid, Frostflake, Chroma, and Whiplash.  "We're just trying to help!"  Stormfly cried.  "We promise!"  "Yeah, right!  THAT'S why you brought an army!"  A blue Dramilion snarled accusingly.  "We just shattered those boats!" I called, flying up.  The Dramilion snarled and blasted a magnesium blast at me before circling upward to join two red Dramilions and three gold ones.

   "It's true.  They did."  Growled a disembodied voice.  I yelped and turned human on Frostflake just before seeing a giant blue Dramilion appear.  "But - Plasma -" The (much smaller) Blue Dramilion from before started.  "Hush, Fire.  They defended our island."  Plasma said, waving her tail at the Dramilion. 

   "What do you come to our island for?"  Plasma asked.  "We were trying to find the King of Dragons and stop Johann and the Hunters from getting it, but -" I started, just before Plasma fell over, unconcious.  My eyes widened, and I turned to see Krogan with Johann behind him on his dragon.  "Defend her!"  I yelled.  "We CAN'T let the Hunters get ahold of her."

   A strange fire came from the Dramilion's mouth.  It was a mix of purples, blues, and yellows, and my eyes widened.  "On it!"  Hiccup called, diving toward the dragon.  But Krogan hit him away.  I growled and turned into a dragon again, then shot towards Krogan.  "Uh...Krogan..!"  Scarlet started before she twisted and blasted fire at me.  I dove underneath her and rammed my head into her underbelly, knocking the breath out of her and making Krogan and Johann fall off of her.

   Chroma blasted amber on Johann and Frostflake snatched Krogan up in her claws.  "Frostflake, Chroma look out!"  Hiccup cried.  Scarlet knocked Frostflake away and grabbed Krogan.  He scrambled back onto her back and she grabbed Johann.  "Amber, Amythest,  no!"  Astrid cried.  I turned, and they did their power blast again.  Everyone tumbled out of the air and Chroma's amber shattered.  

   I fell towards the ground, screaming, then I felt a forceful impact in my back, and my world went dark. 

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