Chapter 72: Trapped Thoughts

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   I heard a distorted yell.  "Win her!"

   I didn't think that was right, but I was trapped in my own mind and unable to double-check what he said.  It seemed like I had been flying around forever when I felt something new.

   I felt numb.  My senses felt completely shut down and I felt like I wasn't doing anything; my body moved fluently but on its own, controlled only by the will of the new Alpha.  Everything that I could see was blurry and had no meaning.  Everything was nothing, except for the Alpha, who was my master, and the woman, who was my target.

   My body hit something, and I heard a far-off, blurry cry.  I heard another distorted cry, followed by yet another.  Whatever happened, all I could figure out from my distorted vision and blurry hearing, was that someone had died.

   A far-off roar sounded, and I turned to follow my master across the sea.  When we got to a large rock (which I later realized was Berk) the master blasted ice down.  After a while of this happening, cheery cries came.  I turned, feeling my own attention being directed with the Alpha's, and saw shapes of purple and blue.  

   Most of them went down toward the rock, but one of them approached a black shape.  The brown figure on it started speaking to the figure.  "Toothpaste,"  He said.  (Later I realized this was Toothless, and I felt very dumb, but it gave us a good laugh).  "It's pee, bud.  It's pee, I'm bright weird bud.  Hum lack to pee."

   A chuckle sounded, but my attention was directed to a white figure.  "Kiana!"  I heard someone call.  But that meant nothing to me.  Nothing meant anything to me - it was the worst feeling in the world.

   I heard a cheer, then a roar from the master.  The black figure flew around the rock, being chased by the master's blue blast.  I saw the dead of night slowly turn brighter, but again, at the moment it didn't mean anything to me.  Nothing did.

   I saw a blurred explosion on the master, and a few moments later, the master blasted his blue-green ice at the brown figure.  The black one leaped over him just before he was covered up.  Suddenly, the ice flew everywhere, and the black figure roared at the master.  "I challenge you to be the Alpha!"  

   "Challenge accepted!"  The master roared back.  After a few blasts on the alpha, the black figure jumped back and roared.  "Come on!  Who's with me!?"  After a moment, a blur of colors whizzed past me.  "Come back!"  The alpha roared.

   I noticed my vision was slightly clearer, as was my hearing, but I still felt content hovering beside the master.  After a long moment of a swarm of colors hitting the Bewilderbeast, the black figure blasted a powerful blue blast that struck the master's tusk and made it fall to the ground.

   "Wait!"  The Bewilderbeast roared.  " win."  "Leave!"  The challenger roared.  "Now."  He added.  The Bewilderbeast turned and dove into the sea, splashing huge waves of water.  "Kiara?"

   I shook my head and blinked a few times to see Frostflake's concerned face in front of me.  I could see and hear her clearly - her face and my name meant something to me!  I was free of the Alpha's control!

   But...when the others were freed, why wasn't I?  How come I turned into a dragon against my will?  

   "Kiara?"  Frostflake repeated.  I shook my head again.  "Oh, Frostflake."  I breathed, nuzzling her.  "You're alright.  Is everyone else?"  "Well..."  Chroma said.  "Toothless was controlled by the Bewilderbeast and - and Stoick..."  She trailed off.  I realized I found the missing piece from earlier - I had found who had died.

   "Hiccup is he ok?"  I asked.  "He'll be better,"  Frostflake replied.  "The real question is are YOU ok?"  She asked.  "You didn't leave the Bewilderbeast's side."  "I...I don't know.  I've been better."  I glanced at the ground and pin-pointed Viggo's location in the crowd.  "But I think it's time I get some answers."

   Frostflake grinned.  "Right there with you, Kiara."  I landed in front of Viggo and turned back into a human.  "So, care to go a little more in-depth about why I can do this?  And why I wasn't freed of the Bewilderbeast's control when the others were?"

   Viggo hesitated, then sighed.  "This conversation would be better served in private."  He said, then led the way to my spot in the woods.  "So?  Answers?  Soon, please?"  I asked, sitting down next to him on the cliff.

   Viggo sighed.  "A hundred generations ago..."

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