Chapter 43: You Can't Win

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   "Master Hiccup,"  Johan said, walking over.  "We still require one sapphire, and a single topaz, which, from my experience, aren't found laying on the ground."  "You're right Johan."  Hiccup nodded.  "But what about underground?"



   It was my turn to look after the Razorwhip egg, and I was ecstatic.  It was taking forever to hatch.  The egg had broken through two shells.  Kiara had said something about Razorwhip eggs having three different shells for defense against the male Razorwhips that eat the eggs and babies.  

   Another small crack split across the shell.  I hope Hiccup, Kiara and the twins get back before it hatches.  I thought.



   We were in some sort of sandy cave now, bones, gold, and coins scattered everywhere.  "Perhaps it would be prudent to have your dragons stand guard in case we have to make a hasty exit,"  Johan said.  Hiccup nodded and made a circular motion with his finger.

   Frostflake mumbled unsurely.  "One dragon should be enough, right, Johan?  We should have one here to protect us in case the Sandbuster comes."  I said, remembering what the dragon was called.  "Or do you have a problem with that, Johan?"  I asked as he opened his mouth.

   He closed his mouth and we searched for the gems.  "Urika!"  Johan suddenly cried.  "A perfect topaz!"  He lifted up the jewel and tossed it to Hiccup.  "Perfect!  That just leaves the -" Hiccup started, catching it.  "Sapphire!  Right behind you!"  Johan said.

   Hiccup turned and grabbed it.  Daggers slid out of Johan's sleeve.  "Frostflake!"  I hissed.  She leaped at Johan as Hiccup whirled around.  Johan ran out of the way and Frostflake was caught in a trap.  

   Johan narrowed his eyes.  "Give me the lenses,"  Johan ordered, holding his hand out to Hiccup as he turned.  "Look, whatever Krogan and Johan are paying you -"  He started.  "Those two?  Pay me?"  Johan said, his voice rising.  "I pay them to serve at my feet."  I chuckled.

   "And yet I'm wondering,"  Johan said.  "Why aren't you more surprised?"  He turned his dagger to me.  "And what do you find humorous about the situation?"  "The twins and their rant."  I put a hand to my forehead.  "And I ignore most of them but this one got us thinking -"

   "Maybe it was coincidence those Hunters ambushed us, but how would they know to ask for the Dragon Eye lenses?  I only brought them here because you asked me to."  Hiccup said.  I hadn't realized he brought them.

   "Well, then things started to add up."  I chimed in.  "You were there when Heather lost her lens.  You acted like you knew some about me, despite never have meeting me."  

   "Your distress call got most of us off the Edge right as the Hunters decided to invade."  Hiccup finished.  "And your ship was conveniently docked at Outcast Island right as Dagur broke out of prison."

   Toothless suddenly came and I threw my sword to cut Frostflake free.  Johan turned and ran.  I raced after him, but he threw something (I didn't see what it was) at the wall, and a roar echoed through the cave.  The Sandbuster came out from the walls.  "Sandbuster!"  I yelled.

   Toothless and Frostflake leaped in front of us and roared at the Sandbuster.  Frost and plasmablasts chased the Sandbuster off, but when we turned, Johan was gone.  Toothless and Frostflake growled.  

   "Don't worry guys, I think we'll get another shot at him soon."  Hiccup pet Toothless.  Frostflake relaxed slightly, and we left.

   Johan, you just started a fight you can't win.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now