Chapter 77: Cold Past

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   It had been two days since the...Yournsky incident.

   Berk was still a bit trampled and busted and covered in ice but it was still home.

   And I was surprised that Astrid came to me in the stables one morning as I was getting ready to help with the daily repairs with the news that Hiccup wanted to see me in his house.

   I walked up to the house and knocked.  The door opened and I was immediately overtaken by a rather excited Night Fury.  I laughed as Toothless knocked me to the floor and licked me several times over.  It felt good to know that no matter what my family had done, I would only be judged for my actions, and mine alone.

   "Bud, she still needs to be able to talk to me!"  Hiccup laughed.  Toothless backed out of the way and I shook myself off.  "Ew, Toothless!  You know that doesn't wash out!"  I giggled.  "Now I have to go dive in some water when we're done."  I added.

   Hiccup smiled for a moment, then went into his house.  "Come in."  I went inside and Toothless closed the door behind me.

   "I know you don't really like talking about your past much but -"  Hiccup started.  "How did you know that?" I asked, startled.  "Well, you have rivalries with several people in and outside the Archipeligo.  You know many different things that we don't, and you clearly have a lot of experience with dragons, but you never say anything about how or why."  Hiccup said.  "But...I have to admit I am curious.  I want to know."

   I sighed.  "Alright...I'll tell you one thing,"  I said.  "Just one.  So pick."  "What's up with you and Krogan?"  Hiccup asked.

   My blood ran cold, turning from normal veins to bitter icicles in less than a second.  I looked at the ground, and I could practically feel my gaze darken.

   "One night Frostflake and I were flying around the outskirts of our island, checking for Yournsky.  We heard a Rumblehorn roar for help, and it sounded distressed, so we went to help it.  It was caught in one of those netter traps, and then Krogan leaped out of the bushes and help me to the ground.  Frostflake saved me and we freed the Rumblehorn, but it happened again and again, with several other dragons, until we decided to face him head-on.  We followed him to his home at one point, but it was surrounded by Hunter ships, and we couldn't get inside.  So we camped out on a nearby sea stack.

   "The next morning he came out on a red Singetail - the one he started to use, Scarlet - and we tried to fight him head-on and get him to stop bothering us.  He hit Frostflake's neck and she blacked out, so I had to bring her back to our island.  The day after, when Krogan knew she was weak, he attacked the island and found me.  I managed to chase him off, but it took Frostflake a week to recover.  Ever since I kind of had a grudge against him."  I explained.

   "But you said you'd never encountered humans before."  Hiccup observed.  "Yeah?  Well...I was lying."  I admitted guiltily.  "I just wasn't sure how you guys would react since most of the people I knew were Hunters...Dagur, Krogan, Yournsky...I thought you guys would think I was a Hunter if I told you."

   "Oh."  Hiccup said, realization dawning in his gaze.  "Well, you're safe with us, now."  He smiled.  I smiled faintly back.  "I know.  Thanks, Hiccup."  

   "For what?"  He asked.  

   "For...for everything."

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now