Chapter 57: Um...

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   We arrived at the island.

   I was very suspicious about this plan.

   "So you're saying if Amber and Amythest just...jump in the middle of the area and fire a few times, we can free all of the Singetails here including Whiplash, get the eggs, and the Death Song?" I asked Viggo, turning to look at him over my shoulder.  "Trust me, Kiara, it'll be fine." I held back a snappy comment.  "Alright..."

   We had come alone, as Viggo had suggested.  Amber and Amythest had been carried by Hookfang and Frostflake while Snotlout and the other Riders were on Berk.

   Amber and Amythest looked at each other doubtfully.  "You willing to give it a shot?" I asked them.  The two hesitantly nodded.  "Ok." Amythest agreed.  Amber and Amythest leaped into the pit, and instantly all of the Hunters' attention was pointed to them.  They backed up against each other, whimpering unsurely.

   "Don't panic!  Don't hesitate!  Fire!" Frostflake roared.  The sisters froze, then they each fired at the ground in unison. 

   It wasn't anything like what the normal Razorwhip's fire could do.  From Amber a huge blast of blackness exploded, but with streams of white and silver circling it, like streams of clear smoke in a black sky.  A sky-blue explosion came from Amythest, with pure-white and silver streaks like clouds circling it.  

   The chains holding the Death Song down and that the Flyers were holding onto shattered, and the towers around the pit collapsed.  The Hunters and Flyers were flung into the ocean and the amber holding the Singetails down shattered like the chains.  Dust and dirt and debris whizzed into the ocean following the Hunters, and the Death Song flew off.  The Singetails dove into a cave and each came out with an egg or three.

   But Whiplash was nowhere to be found.

   "Wha -" I gasped.  "How did you -" Then it clicked.  "THAT'S why you wanted them so badly!"  Viggo chuckled.  "Indeed.  Now, let's retrieve your dragon, shall we?" I nodded and we took to the air (this was one of the few times Frostflake allowed him to ride her).  

   Viggo pointed to a cave, and we dove into it.  There was a wide cave and a tunnel that went further back.  At the end of the tunnel there was a cage and inside that was...

  "Whiplash!"  The Singetail, Whiplash, looked up, confusion in his gaze.  "Who's Whiplash?"

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now