20: Escaping Peril

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   A/N.  Hey, I've been lonely, can somebody please comment?

"I'm going in."  I heard Hiccup's voice.  I saw the glow of Toothless' plasma blast at the ready and the Gronkle Iron shield before I saw Toothless and Hiccup.  "Hiccup!"  I whisper-cried.  "There you are!"

   "Kiara!  You're ok!"  Hiccup's gaze lit up.  "Yeah, but Viggo caught me."  I frowned.  "I'm sorry I made you think I had abandoned you."  "I'm sorry we believed you abandoned us so quickly."  Hiccup replied, unlocking my cage.  "Where's Frostflake?"  I asked.  "Above deck.  Sorry about your arm."  Hiccup said.  "It'll heal,"  I answered.

   Hiccup carefully approached Viggo's door, but when he opened it, I could see nobody was there.  "Agh!"  He growled.  "That doesn't make sense...he was here before..."  I murmured.  "He must have some sort of secret escape."  Hiccup concluded.

   "Probably,"  I nodded, carefully walking up the stairs with Toothless' help.  "Kiara!"  Heather cried, hugging me before quickly pulling away, seeing the sling.  "Whoops..."  "You're ok!"  Fishlegs cheered.  "Are you, that is?"  Astrid cut in.  "I've been better, but I'm ok for the most part,"  I replied, overjoyed to see the Riders again.

   "See guys, I told you she was fine!"  Snotlout said.  "You said she was dead."  Astrid objected.  "Shut up Astrid."  "Can you fly?"  Fishlegs chimed in.  "Are you hungry?"  Hiccup asked.  "Woah, is that a Dragon Egg!?"  Fishlegs gasped, seeing the egg I held in a little leather backpack thing that strapped the egg to my back.  I had made it out of the leather and supplies I had on me.  "What's your favorite part of the human face, and why?"  Tuffnut butted it.  Everyone stared at him.  "What?  We weren't playing ask the guy next to you an awesome yet completely unrelated question?"

   I rubbed my forehead.  "Some things will never change,"  I muttered.  "I can't fly, unfortunately,"  I replied.  "I'm supposed to rest for four weeks - it's only been five days."  "Great, so how are we supposed to get her back to the edge?"  Snotlout questioned.

   Frostflake took off in the general direction of the Edge.  "Aaaand that dragon is just as insane as her rider."  Snotlout commented.  I punched his arm.  "Hey!  Why do you girls always have to gang up on me?"  He wined, holding the spot where I punched. 

   "Because you're a muttonhead and you deserve it,"  I said bluntly.  "Shut up, Kiara."  Snotlout muttered.  After a few hours of long conversation, Frostflake came back with the Night Terrors.  "Um...why are you - ah!"  I started, before suddenly a small pack broke off to help me onto the giant Night Terror.  Working together, the Night Terrors supported my weight, and I didn't have to hold on, as they flew smoothly and somewhat slowly.  

   It was midnight by the time we got back to the Edge, and I had fallen asleep on the Night Terrors.  The Riders woke me up so that the little black dragons could go do whatever they did at night, and helped me to my hut.  "Thanks, guys..."  I yawned, then fell asleep.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now