Whiplash Tribute

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   I was going to make a Frostflake tribute before realizing I can't at the moment think of any of my favorite moments for her so.

Chapter 31:  Shellshocked, Part Two

    The next morning the initial attack started. "Everyone get to your huts!" Hiccup ordered. I flew on Frostflake to my old hut - which I had already put the armor on - and ducked inside. Whiplash was already there, trying to hide under my bed.


   Suddenly, a catapult caused Frostflake to unexpectedly roll out of the way, and I fell off of her. She dove toward me, but a Shellfire blast was faster, charging toward me. "This is gonna hurt!" I shut my eyes tightly when I felt claws grasp my arms and pull me out of the way. I looked up to see a familiar orange-scaled Singetail.

"Whiplash!" I cried. He looked down at me with a happy sound. He dropped me onto Frostflake's back, and she looked at him in shock. "When - how -?" Frostflake started. "When you guys were gone I finally managed to fly!" He purred.

Chapter 61:  Lost Love

   "Whiplash? WHIPLASH! Whippe!? Lasher!? Come on, come on!" Chroma's normally startlingly fierce expression was filled with horror and panic and hurt and pain and grief. Whiplash glanced up at us. I remembered an old tradition I had heard about somewhere in the Northern Markets. "What's your last wish?" I murmured. He chuckled lightly. "I have too many wishes to count, Kiara." Whiplash wheezed. "But - if I had to choose one thing -" He took in a shuddering breath again. "I'd choose you. All of you. Forever. Ow." He winced. "I want you to say -" He sucked in a sharp breath.

"I want you to say goodbye."

(I'm too lazy to do the rest of the Tributes right now, so it's time for Fading Echoes!)

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