Chapter 86: Ambush on the Ambush

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   I growled lowly, scenting something.  It was foul and acidic, yet with a tint of burnt ash in it.

   Deathgrippers.  I knew.  Eret had described the dragons that Grimmel used in vivid detail, and I was the one set to prevent them from ruining the perfectly planned ambush.

   A soft growl sounded from behind the rock I was slowly skirting.  I peered around the moonlit gray lump to see a short, tooth-like spear vanish behind a red blanket of scales that closed around it.  

   I swiftly, but quietly approached, then stamped a foot on the tail.  A roar of surprise emitted from the Deathgripper, and I got my first look at their giant tusks.  

   They looked similar to elephants', but, to my surprise, seemed cleaner.  The Deathgripper's green eyes narrowed as it snarled, it's small, pink tongue lolling to the side as it's likely venomous slobber flowed out from between its banana-long teeth.  It had too long grippers for arms, which most likely gave it the name 'Deathgripper'.  Its scales were red and black, adding to the creep factor.

   But there was something strange on him; something unnatural and man-made.  A sort of black leather harness with syringes stuck toward the Deathgripper's head.  The syringes were clear and a purple substance was inside of them.

   "Are you ok?"  I asked, tilting my head.  "Kill them,"  The Deathgripper snarled, and I saw a greenish light in its throat.  "Kill them all."  He blasted a jet of acid-green liquid at me.  I jumped aside, and the grass behind me lit up with flames.  My eyes widened in surprise as I saw two more Deathgrippers, each with the same harness, blast Hiccup's house and tear inside.

   I abandoned my target and dove inside the now-burning building.  Viggo was trapped behind a fallen bar.  " - or I will destroy everything you love!"  I heard a voice.  I whirled around, snarling at the Hunter.  He quirked an eyebrow at me, then I spotted a small dart whizzing past the flames from his raised crossbow.  I was in front of Viggo.  It would either hit me or him.


   I quickly leaped up to a loose, almost fallen support beam.  My weight made it crass right onto the dart as it passed by.  "Phew!"  I breathed, glancing at Grimmel through narrowed eyes.  But it was too late.  He was already hidden behind the smoke and fire.

   I spun and grabbed Viggo in my claws, holding him close to my chest, then barreled into the ground outside, guarding him against spurting embers with my wings.

   Then I spotted four Deathgrippers.  I recognized one from my patrol.  Well fine, Grimmel.  I dove at one of them.  He screeched as I landed hard on him and tried to flap into the air.  I narrowed my eyes and ripped the harness thing off of his head after a few hard jerks, and he gasped in surprise.

   "Wha - what!?   Hey, get off!"  He suddenly violently shoved me away.  "Hey, I just saved you from mind-control thingness, you could be more grateful!"  I snapped, not caring that 'thingness' wasn't actually a word.  "Wha - oh, well...thanks, I guess - I've gotta go."  He quickly turned and fled after the Deathgrippers.  

   "WAIT!"  I shrieked, quickly shoving him out of the way of a dart.  He watched it pierce a tree, his eyes wide.  "Th - thanks."  He breathed, shivering.  "But my pack -"

   "They're mind-controlled, too.  From that venom."  I watched as a small bit of purple liquid trickled from his tail.  "From - from YOUR venom."  I realized, my eyes wide.  It makes sense, I guess.

   I looked around, noting how the buildings were burning and several Vikings were taking refuge in the Great Hall.  I lifted into the air and roared at them, hurrying them all to go inside faster.  I landed next to Hiccup inside, who was at the back behind a table, and roared at the Vikings to silence them.  They all quickly hushed as I turned into a human again.

   "My Father was obsessed with it when I was a boy.  Oh - okay?  He made charts and maps searching for the Hidden World.  We're dragon people.  It's where we belong.  Berk isn't just this place, it's the dragons, the people, all of us.  I say Berk is wherever we go!"  Hiccup said.

   I stared at him in shock.  Then, Tuffnut, who had been basically sleeping the whole time, leaped to his feet and pumped two fists in the air.  "I'm with him!  Who else?"

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now