6: Gruff Around the Edges

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   "HELLO DRAGON'S EDGE!"  Tuffnut's voice howled.

   "IT'S TUFF -"  Tuffnut started.  "AND RUFF -"  Ruffnut cut in.  "AND CHICKEN!"  Tuffnut finished.  Chicken squawked.  "IN THE MORNING!"  They said together.

   I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes.  Dragon's Edge.  It had been a few months, and it was honestly really nice to have other people for support.  
   Frostflake agreed.  She burbled and flew into my hut, the sun reflecting off her wings like it was ice.  

   I was laying on a wooden bed with a white cloth as a blanket and a thicker blanket beneath me.  My head rested on a white pillow.  I had a couple of yellow pouches on a hook near the doorway and a light blue jacket hung up in the corner.  There was a thin sheet of frost that Frostflake slept on the other side of the room with fresh salmon (her favorite!) on a table nearby.

   Frostflake quickly snatched up one of those and ran outside again.  She took off for the ground and I ran after her.  I leaped off the patio-balcony thing and Frostflake caught me. 

   "Let's see...the weather today is...sunny.  And the weather tomorrow will...also be sunny.  Let's see our Terror Mail!"  Tuffnut said.

   "Aw, look, this one's for Snotlout!  'Miss you lots, love, Mommy'!"  Ruffnut said.

   "Hey!"  Snotlout shouted.  "That's private!"

   "Now this one's for...us?  Your cousin Gruffnut is coming to visit you today..." Tuffnut trailed off.  "Ok, show's over, we've gotta get ready!"

   A little bit later Tuffnut was sweeping the clubhouse.  "Guys, we gotta get this place looking nice!  Gruffnut is coming!  You wanna help, sis?"  He asked.  "No,"  Ruffnut said in an annoyed tone.  

   "Ok, I'm new here, who is Gruffnut?"  I asked.   Heather nodded.

   Snotlout, who was leaning on a spear, replied, "Ruff and Tuff's cousin.  We've never met him, but Tuffnut worships the guy."

   "Hey Hiccup, what do you think about me possibly...taking over the reins here?"  Tuffnut asked.  Hiccup looked rather startled.  "Y'know, just while Gruffnut is around."  "Uh, don't you remember the last time that happened, Tuffnut?"  Hiccup asked.

   Heather and I exchanged confused glances.

   "Well, technically I was only in co-charge, so I think we all know who's fault that really was..."  Tuffnut said.

   Frostflake growled, scenting something unfamiliar, and stepped in front of me.

   "Did this island just get way more awesome?" Gruffnut said from the doorway, stepping into the room.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now