19: Fire and Ice

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   "How did you escape?"  Viggo questioned.  I had been to the Healer's Hut and they had popped my arm back in place and put it in a sling.  I wouldn't be able to ride for a little while.  But maybe that's good.  I thought.

   "Simple.  Ice."  I said, wincing as Frostflake bumped into my arm.  "Hmm.  And they really couldn't stop you?"  Viggo asked in his chocolatey voice.  I felt uneasy and shook my head.  "Frostflake blasted frost at them and they cleared a path.  She grabbed me with my tail and managed to outfly the other Riders."

   "Other Riders?"  Viggo quirked a brow.  "I mean the Riders, sorry."  I shook my head.  "Force of habit."  "Hm."  Viggo glanced down at the hunters below.  "Kiara, have you ever heard of the Popularus plant?"

   I shook my head.  "No."  "It's a rare plant, red with a milky white seed in the center of it.  It looks like a flower."  Viggo said.  "Why?"  I asked.  "In ancient times it was used as a peace flower.  The taste is sweet, and unrefusable, as is the smell.  Some would eat the flowers, and fall sick two days later.  Three days after that, if not cured, they would die."  Viggo continued as though I had not spoken.

   "Come with me."  He said, walking along the perilous edges that fell down into steep cliffs that would surely break a bone if fallen down.  I gazed down at the ledges far below, feeling dizzy.  Suddenly, the rock beneath my feet crumbled, and I felt Frostflake's teeth meet my shirt as she dragged me back up.

   Viggo was writing a letter and put it on a Terrible Terror's leg.  "Get some sleep, Kiara.  Tomorrow we head for Oleander Island."

   The next morning, I awoke to find Viggo sitting down near the entrance to my tent, not facing me.  He was looking at something - probably a Maces and Talons gameboard, knowing him - on the desk in front of him.  "Greetings, Kiara.  You're awake."  He said.

   I snorted and got up, wincing as I remembered my hurt shoulder.  "How long have you been in here?"  I inquired.  "Longer than I would like to admit.  The boat is ready.  Join me."  Viggo replied, getting up and exiting the tent.  After getting some fresh clothing on I joined him at the docks, Frostflake behind me.  

   "I can't fly today, girl.  I'm sorry."  I said, putting my good hand on her nose.  Viggo and I entered the ship, Frostflake trailing after us.  "So what are we doing on Oleander Island anyways, huh?"  I asked him, Frostflake laying down between us.

   "A meeting with Hiccup, of course,"  Viggo said.  "How's your shoulder?  Healing well I trust?"  I stiffened as a random jolt of fear struck through me.  Something told me he knew, although I wasn't sure what or how.  "It's been better,"  I admitted.

   I narrowed my eyes at a piece of land in the distance.  "Is that where we're going?"  I asked.  Viggo simply nodded and kept his eyes on it, not looking back at me.  I jerked my head at Frostflake.  "I'm going to check on the egg down below,"  I called.  "I still think -"

   "No more thinking, all thinking has been done, you simply need to follow orders, do as your told, can you do that?"  Viggo snapped.  I flinched.  "It would be useful if we trained it instead of selling it.  Or leaving it for the Dragon Riders to capture."

   Viggo let out a long sigh.  "Fine."  He said.  "But check on it quick."  I nodded and raced down through the hallway of cages.  I paused, giving them an empathetic look, but quickly rushed into Viggo's room to see Ruffnut sneaking around inside.  "Seriously Ruff?"  I hissed.

   Ruffnut had flopped on the ground, which was when I realized that it was a dummy.  I looked at the egg that was dark orange with vertical stripes that were an even darker orange, all meeting at the top of the egg.  I kicked Ruffnut's dummy and hurried back outside, feeling the boat stop moving.  Thank goodness.

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now