9: Midnight Scrum

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   "Ahhhh!"   Frost's head shot up with a low growl.

   Toothless leaped away.  Hiccup!

   I quickly mounted Frost and leaped into the air.  "TOOTHLESS!"  Hiccup yelled in distress.  Frost roared and blasted ice at a couple of men that were carrying gray axes and following Hiccup.  They looked like they might be outcasts of the Outcasts almost.

   Toothless roared at the hunters and blasted plasma blasts at them, making them scream and run away in terror.  

   "Thanks, bud,"  Hiccup smiled and rubbed Toothless' head as we landed.  "Who were those guys?"  Astrid asked.  I realized I knew where they were from.  "Hews,"  I said, but, AS USUAl, nobody listened to me.  

   "I don't know, with all the rolling down hills and flying axes I forgot to ask."  Hiccup chuckled.  Toothless was playing with a piece of paper nearby.  "What ya got there, bud?"  Hiccup asked, walking over.  Astrid and Hiccup's faces suddenly turned serious.  "I think I know who those guys were."

   "Ohhh man, Viggo put a price on Hiccup's head!  There are going to be people all over the archipelago looking for you!"  Snotlout laughed.  "Thank you, Snotlout, for your unDYING support."  Hiccup said sarcastically.

   I motioned to Frost to follow me.  We went out to Fishleg's hut and sat on the edge of his rock garden, which he had granted us permission to do.

   "I just feel like we aren't fitting in here, girl, y'know?"  I said, rubbing Frost's head.  She purred and nodded.  "Nobody asks us for help.  In plans, we usually have to go off and figure out our own roles.  Even when we mess up nobody really cares."  I sighed.  Frost made a sad noise and rested her head on the grass beside me.

   "Everyone's always talking about Toothless being at the top of the class for everything, but we're next in line - right?"  I said.  Frost let out a soft growl to show that she agreed.  "We do plenty of stuff just as good as he does!  Nobody notices.  And nobody knew who those people were, but I did, and when I said something, nobody heard."  I put my face in my hands.  "I feel like we're only here because of that stupid Trial."
   I felt Frost shift and someone sitting next to me.  "I know, it's hard being new."  Heather's voice said.  I lowered my hands and looked at her, surprised.  "I was on my own with Windshear for so long...I know how it feels.  But even then they knew me first."  

   "Honestly I thought you were the last person that would come all the way down here to comfort me,"  I admitted.  Heather smiled.  "Just give it time.  I'll see what I can do to help you fit in more.  We're about to head off to Berk's 400 year anniversary...are you coming?"

   "I don't have a place in the show."  I pointed out.  Heather smiled at me.  "Then we'll make one."

Howling Echoes - A How to Train Your Dragon Story, The Echoes, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now