✨💜Chapter 4💜✨

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(y/n's pov)

I reached home and go to my room immediately and sat at the edge of my bed and slowly my tears started streaming down my face.

After sometime I didn't even notice and my eyes close due to exhaustion of crying and soon I fell asleep.

*next day*

(y/n's pov)

I woke up with me still on the edge of the bed curled up in a ball and still the clothes I wore last night for the dinner at mr.kim's house.

I sigh and get up and go to my bathroom and took a shower while thinking wht happened last night.I think wht I said last night was not nice coz she is my mom after all and after me shifting to aunts house she was all alone and mr.kim must have helped her and kill her lonliness.I guess I should just accept the fact as it isn't going to change anything but I'll talk to mr.kim personally.

After the shower I dried my body and wore the clothes appropriate for school and go downstairs.

After the shower I dried my body and wore the clothes appropriate for school and go downstairs

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*my ootd*

I entered the kitchen just to see mom sitting on the dining chair with a gloomy face and staring at her and mine plate filled with delicious looking pancakes.

I go and sat infront of her.As I sat I saw at how her eyes glistened from hope looking at me stuffing my mouth with pancakes after sitting down and looking like a chipmunk.

I finished my breakfast and looked at her and apologized for yesterday and she almost immediately accepted my apology and I also told her that I've accepted her marriage with mr.kim and she was beyond happy and overjoyed.

I smiled as I saw her this much happy and happily skipped to school as I thought that if mom is happy than I'm happy too.

(to be continued)

•Hello there sry for the short chap but yh I did as much as I can as this is my second update today.Soo yh I'll post another part tomorrow till then tc and byeee💜•

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