✨💜Chapter 10💜✨

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(At amusement park)

*Still y/n's pov*

We all were near a ride waiting for our turn to come.But suddenly alot of voices of notifications came and I saw oppa's taking out their phones together and checking it.After a while I saw how their eyes widened and hobi oppa took my hand and we all ran.

I was confused of wht is going on but continued to run as I don't wanna fall down becoz of how fast oppa was running.We got into car and jin oppa immediately started the car to our house I guess...

We all were panting hard for air as we ran too much fast.I was having problems in breathing as I haven't even took a walk and today unexpectedly took a long run my legs were hurting and right now I feel like a dying grandma.

I saw a water bottle near my leg I took it and gave it to them after drinking some of the water they all took it turn by turn and drank it.

After a while when all were alright I thought of asking the why did we ran so I gathered my courage and spoke,

Y/n:"Uhm...oppas why did we ran?We all were having soo much fun?!"

They all looked at me and jk oppa passede his phone who was just sitting beside me.I took it confusingly and looked atban article which was uploaded by Dispatch a few mins ago.

The girl in the pic is wearing same clothes as me and the boys around her r also wearing same clothes wore by oppas?WAIT!! Don't tell me it's us.

I read the article and was disgusted like seriously who would date her own bros? I mean they're my step bros but then also I see them as my brothers nothing else.

Y/n:"O-oppa wht will we do now?"

Namjoon:"I don't kno-"

When namjoon oppa was speaking his phone rang.He immediately took it and looked at the caller id his eyes widened and he immediately pick up the phone talking to the person on the other side of the phone.

We all were silent and weren't trying to make any noise as oppa looked serious while talking so it must be someone important.Soon the call was ended and he looked at all of us panicked.

Suga:"Wht happened joon?Why r u panicking?"

Namjoon:"H-hyung Bang-pd called me and told us all to come to the company with y/n.He wants to talk with us.And I know it's abt the article released by Dispatch few mins ago!"

My eyes widened in shock.I realised that bts aren't normal kpop idols they r internationally famous Boy band.And that means I'm doomed.They r gonna go through alot of hate bcoz of me.My mind was slowly filling with the negative things that can happen to oppas just bcoz of me.

Jin:"Don't worry guys let's go and explain them that y/n-ie is our one and only sister and then bang-pd will also give the statement on ig, twitter etc.If he doesn't understand and do something then also don't worry we've Jinhit entertainment!"

The others and I nodded as oppa tried lift up the mood soo we all can be relieved.

Soon we came infront of a big building.We all stepped out of the car just to be crushed by the paparazzi's and reporters. The bodyguards came and took us inside the building safely.

I sighed as I was feeling terrible right now.Wht if thoughts were dancing in my head.

We entered a room which was I guess a meeting room?We all sat down in front of a man who must be bang pd.

We all took off our masks and sat there awkwardly and nervously. My hands were getting sweaty due to too much nervousness.

Bang-pd:"Soo I saw the article...U need to break up"

Jimin:"U-uhm Pd-nim actually she is-"

Bang-pd:"  U've to break up with which ever member ur dating.Thats final"

Y/n:"Huh?!Uhm look pd-nim I guess u misunderstood us we r actually step brothers and sister.We aren't dating and another thing we were just doing a small hangout in amusement park!"

The room went silent after I spoke.No one dared to speak a single word.

Bang-pd:"Oh ok! But ms. Can u like introduce urself?"

Y/n:"Oh um yh...My name is Kim Y/n.Nice meeting u sir."

Bang-pd:"Oh same...I'll give the statement to dispatch and post it on social media too. Sry for the inconvenience boys and girl.An yh boys hope u r doing well! Anyways u all can go home now and boys enjoy ur vacation nicely bye!"

We all bowed to him and got out of the room and building from the back side of it.As there were alot of paparazzi's on the main entrance.

We got home and I apologized as I know that somehow it happened bcoz of me and immediately go to my room without hearing their ans.

I've made my decision of being a lil distant from them as it can maybe coz a big problem in future if we be close.

"sry oppas but I'm doing this for our own good..."

(to be continued)

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