✨💜Chapter 38💜✨

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*Jimin's pov*

Soon the ambulance came and took mochi's body in the stretcher.

We all followed behind in our car. Hobi hyung and suga hyung goes in the ambulance with y/n.

My eyes filled with tears as I recalled y/n's face in the building.
She was beaten up badly.

We soon reached to the hospital.We got out of the car just to see alot of cameras flashing on us.

And this made me angry as they weren't giving us a path for going inside and asking us questions at wht happened and bla bla bla...

We tried to say side pls or excuse me but the crowd just increased and this made me loose my shit.


The whole crowd got silent. And all gave us a path. We all head inside almost running inside.

We saw hobi hyung and suga hyung sitting outside the operation room.

We all rushed to both of them.

Jimin:"H-hyung where's mochi?"

They both looked up with red eyes.

Hobi:"Doctor said she is beaten up badly.Her case is critical.There r alot of deep wounds and her head is damaged badly.D-doctor said there low chances of sunshine living in this world as her breathing isn't proper"

My legs trembled as I fall on the ground.

My tears started falling down. My mochi can't leave me.

She is strong she won't leave us.

I looked at others they all were crying too. Jk was crying hard. He got really close with her in this much time.

*Time skip after 2-3 hrs*

(Taehyung's pov)

We all were sitting here for more than 2 hrs. The operation was still going on.

We were watching the nurses going in and out in rush. We all were afraid to loose our baby sis.

I can't live without her same as others too. I wanted to cry but no tears came out.

Soon the red light went off and doctor came out.

We all rushed to him.

Jin:"D-doctor is our sister ok?!"

Doctor:"Yeah her condition is now stable but we don't know when she'll wake up. She is strong but her skin is delicate and sensitive.Her body is trying to recover from the beatings she got"

We all sighed in relief.

Doctor:"Oh and she has been shifted to 300 number's room"

We all immediately rushed to that room. I opened the door to see some nurses fixing her bed in right position and putting the syringes in her hands.

I entered inside with others following inside. Soon the nurses go after bowing to us.

We all bowed back.I looked at blossom. Tears fill up in my eyes seeing her in this state.

Wires all around her body which was covered with alot of bandages.

I walked up to her and sat at one of the nearest stools and took her cold hand in mine.

Taehyung:"Blossom pls wake up fastly...We'll go to ur favourite amusement park and arcade again. U can eat alot ice creams.As much as u want!"

I spoke with my voice cracking up a little.

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