✨💜Chapter 9💜✨

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•Hello there beautiful readers!I just noticed that I got 700+ Reader's on this book...Thanks alot for supporting me whoever is reading this book.It means alot to me that someone is reading this trash book😭.I love u all soooooooooo much and once again thnks💜💖❤💝•

(Time skip at reaching home after the school)

*Y/n's pov*

I entered the mansion and go directly to my room and put my bag down and take out 2 banana milk's and go downstairs searching for jk oppa.I entered the living just to see all of my brother's sitting on couch and discussing something.

I smiled and go and tap jk oppa's shoulder.As he turns around I gave him a smile and put the banana milk's bottles in his Hands.

He confusingly looks at his Hands and his eyes immediately lits up as he sees the banana milk.

He hugs me and I just stand there frozen as this was the first time in a while that someone hugged me and also shocking that one of the bts's member aka one of my step brother will hug me!

Namjoon:"Ok soo if ur boths bro sis moment has ended can u sit down?"

We both broke the hug and sat down.

Namjoon:"Uhm sooo y/nie we wanted to ask u that will u hangout with us today at amusement park?As we aren't that much close and want to know u more coz now u r our sister and a family member of kim family and  since childhood we also wanted a sister that we can cherish and protect.Sooo do u like wanna come with us?"

Y/n:"Uhm...I mean why not!?Sure I'll come with u all I always wanted to know abt u all and get to know u all!And same! I also wanted a brother or brothers since childhood...Soo it's definitely a YES!!"

I said smiling widely and they all also returned the same smile☺.

Jin:"Ok then let's meet up in an half an hour here in the living room after getting ready".

Y/n:"Oh u all can go and change I'm already ready as my clothes r fine for the hangout right?"

They all looked at me and were definitely saying no their faces were radiating overprotectiveness
I sighed as I knew that I've to change my clothes.

Y/n:"Ok ok I got it I'm going damn! Don't show me that strict overprotective brothers face".

I pouted and go to my room and change my clothes to something suitable for the hangout and style my hair a lil and put light makeup.And done! I'm ready...

I then head downstairs with my purse and sat at the couch scrolling through my phone and waiting for others.

I then head downstairs with my purse and sat at the couch scrolling through my phone and waiting for others

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*my clothes*

*my clothes*

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