✨💜Chapter 41💜✨

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Hello there! Sry for not posting for almost 3 days...I was sick and stressed becoz of my unit test's which r going on rn•

*Mrs.Yoon headmaid's pov*

I was instructing the new maids at how to clean the rooms one by one and at which time they all should come.

We all flinched when we heard a horrifying scream coming from upstairs.

The scream was familiar.Wait-Ms.Y/n! I immediately go upstairs to her room.

I started knocking but heard nothing except sobs and whimpering of ms.Y/n.

Mrs.Yoon:"M-ms.Y-Y/n pls open the door...What happened?! Pls open the door why r u crying?!"

But no use she started crying more mumbling that she wants to meet young masters.

I rushed downstairs and took my phone and dialed young master's number.

*Hoseok's pov*

We all were sitting in the dance room after our continuous practice.

I got a call.I picked it up immediately as it was mrs.Yoon.

Hoseok:"Hello Mrs.Yoon...Anything happened?"

Mrs.Yoon:"Hello young master. Ms.Y/n's condition isn't nice. She isn't opening the door of her room.She is just crying continuously. We all tried to open the door but no use and she is calling u all to come here...Pls come fast"

Hoseok:"What?!Omg my sunshine...We r coming in few mins"

I hang up the call and tell the others.

We all rushed to our car and got i side and immediately drove off to the mansion.

Soon we got there and immediately go inside the mansion.

We saw few maids near the entrance of the living room discussing something.

But stopped as they saw us coming and bowed to us.

Me and others go to straight to sunshine's room. We saw mrs.Yoon and some maids trying to knock the door.

Mrs.Yoon:"Y-young masters ms.Y/n isn't answering her crying voices also stopped"

We all thought of using spare keys but we forgot that it broken.

Hoseok:"Jungkook break the door open...We don't have any other choice!"

The others agreed as jk came infront and we all gave him space so he can easily break the door.

He pushed the door open with all his strength for the last time after 2-3 attempts.

It broke into 2 piece's.We all rushed inside just to see y/n laying in the corner.

We saw 2 letter's and a tape recorder laying near her.

I and jin hyung rushed to her and I picked her up in a bridal style and layed her on the bed.

I then called our personal family doctor to come home.

I then go to the others just to see them red with anger.

Hoseok:"Wht happened? Why r u all looking so angry?"

Namjoon passed me the letters and the tape recorder.

I read the letters and played the tape recorder.I can feel that how much my sunshine must be traumatized.

We thought of reporting this to the police. They said the investigation will be started by tm.

Let's just hope everything will be better soon and that bastard will be caught.

(to be continued)

Happy new year💜🎉🍻✨

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Happy new year💜🎉🍻✨

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