✨💜Chapter 13💜✨

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*y/n's pov*

I woke up groaning as my lower abdomen was hurting alot. I got up and go towards my bathroom and check just to see the arrival of my f**king periods.(A/n:I'm making this chap as I'm also on my periods and my whole body is aching like hell😭, anyways let's continue)

(A/n:I'm making this chap as I'm also on my periods and my whole body is aching like hell😭, anyways let's continue)

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*my clothes*

I took a shower and wore simple clothes.Its nice that red days came on my weekend or then I've to go through this pain in school too.

I then head downstairs forcing myself as my abdomen was hurting toooooo much. I entered the kitchen and saw a chocolate bar on the counter.

My eyes lits up I looked around to see if someone was here and took the bar in my hands sneakily and open the wrapper and stuffed the whole in my mouth.

I was eating peacefully enjoying the mouthwatering chocolaty taste of it.When suddenly someone shouted I flinched and turned around just to see Hobi oppa looking at me angrily.

I smiled nervously with chocolate still in my mouth. I was confused as hobi oppa is always cheerful and happy. I've seen him angry for the first time.

He came towards me and said,

Hobi:"Y/n-ah who told u to eat this chocolate?"

Y/n:"O-oppa I didn't knew it was urs...I-if I knew I wouldn't eat it pls Don't get angry!"

Tears started to come out of my eyes becoz of my mood swings. He panicked and freaked out seeing me cry.

Hobi:"S-sunshine don't cry.I-I was just playing around with u. I'm sry p-pls don't cry there r more chocolate's in the cabinet and ur favourite ones r in fridge b-but pls stop crying if the others saw u crying becoz of me they'll surely kill me!!"

My mood instantly changed and I smiled brightly with dried tears on my cheeks. Oppa looked terrified maybe bcoz of my mood swings.

He just got out of the kitchen and I shrugged all thoughts and started searching for the love of my life ✨chocolates✨...

*time skip at lunch time*

(still y/n's pov)

I was right now in my room watching a kdrama which just got an sad ending and I'm sobbing bcoz the hero died without confessing his love towards the heroine.

Someone knocked on my door as I wiped my face with some wet tissues which were layed on my bed beside me with some empty chocolate and junk food packets.

My room was looking messy. I immediately cleaned it and throwed all the wrappers in the mini garbage can beside my bed and put the other unopened packets in one of the cabinets and turned around as I heard another knock on my door.

I immediately said come in as the door opened and a maid entered my room. She bowed down to me and said that the oppas r calling me for dinner. I nodded and maid left my room  after closing the door.

I took a pain killer so I don't do any drama in front of them. It'll be embarrassing u know?!

I entered the dining room to see them waiting for me.I smiled and sat at one of the chairs and we all started eating.

I smiled and sat at one of the chairs and we all started eating

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*my lunch*

As I'm picky eater I told the chef to make this light and not that much food as I'm not in the mood to eat.

*time skip after the lunch*

As I was gonna stand up and go to my room and continue my kdrama watching marathon.Jin oppa said he wanted to tell something so I again sat down.

Jin:"Ok soo princess we've to go to the company for a lil work we will be back by eve. So take care of urself and u r not allowed to go outside without our permission or without atleast 2 bodyguards with u. Got it?"

I just nodded my head as I was not interested in going out today.
They all looked shocked asaybe they thought I'm gonna throw a tantrum.

Namjoon:"Butterfly R u ok?"

I rolled my eyes and glared at him secretly.

Y/n:"Of course I'm ok oppa. Just having period cramps nothing much"

I said and shrugged then got up and immediately ran to my room.
After sometime I realized wht I said. I just blurred out this bcoz of my mood swings.Oh my god they'll think of me as an insane and crazy girl.

I sighed and just throwed myself on my bed and soon drifted to sleep bcoz of tiredness and too much pain.

(to be continued)

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