✨💜Chapter 19💜✨

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•Hello there!Sry for not posting yesterday.I was having a headache.And another thing my schools r starting in few days so  ldk when I will be able to post.But I'll try my best to post•

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up in our hotel room with jk oppa squishing me to death while snoring like snorlax.I kicked him away from me trying not to wake him up and go to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I kicked him away from me trying not to wake him up and go to the bathroom to do my morning routine

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*my clothes*

After my morning routine I came out of the bathroom and thought of going to the mini kitchen to find something to eat and drink.

I wasn't feeling that much nice soo I thought of eating some light snacks and not to eat heavy breakfast.

I made some coffee and there were some packets of cookies too. So I ate them while drinking some coffee.

After my breakfast I go to jk oppa and wake him up as we've to go to see Burj khalifa today. He woke up and then goes to have a bath.

Soon he came out and we both go downstairs to see all of the oppas standing and waiting for us with some different drinks in their hand.

I smiled and waved at them rushing to jin and joonie oppa and standing between them after hugging all of them.

Hobi oppa gave me an chocolate smoothie but I refused as I was not feeling well.

They all were shocked as I never say no to chocolates or any chocolate flavored things.

I sighed as they all forced me to drink some. I told them that I've eaten some cookies with coffee in the room.

They all finally sighed in relief and said that I've to eat alot of food in lunch today as I haven't taken any proper breakfast today😑.

I just nodded and we all started heading towards our destination but as we exited the hotel I felt someone following us.I turned around to see if someone was there but no.

I just sighed and continued walking with oppas. Soon we all heard some screams and shouting saying "OMG! BTS!  AHHHHH!!"

My eyes widened and I flinched at the sudden voice. I looked around and oppas did the same just to see alot of crowd gathering around us and trying to reach oppas. All taking pics or making vids.

My breathing got abnormal as I knew I have gotten a panick attack. I tapped jin oppas hand alot of times and he looked at me just to get his eyes widened as he saw I was struggling to breathe. Namjoon oppa took off my mask and carried me like a koala.

Slowly slowly I felt black dots surrounding my eyes and then I lost my conciousness.

*Maknae lines pov*

Everything was normal until we were identified by some saesangs.Jin hyung saw at how y/n was getting panick attack and tried to calm her down but she wasn't abd instead it was getting more worse.
Namjoon hyung took off her mask to help her manage some breathe but it was getting out of the control and soon her tears started falling down her cute chubby cheeks.

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