✨💜Chapter 20💜✨

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Hello there!Sry for not uploading for almost 3 days... My school started just today. So I was completing my pending notes😬.Anyways now let's continue with the story•

(It's been two days and the news of bts's sister has been spread like fire all over the globe. They r still in the hotel as they were scared to take any risk and go out once again just to meet bunch of ppl with cameras waiting for them)

*Y/n's pov*

I was in mine and jk oppa's room. I'm in this room for 2 days now. I get bored easily as oppa is always playing games on his phone and my phone has been taken away from me as they don't want me to do anything and just rest.

I was feeling a little sleepy so I thought of going to sleep.I layed on the shared bed of mine and oppa and soon drifted to sleep.

*Suga's pov*

We all were in jin hyungs and Namjoon's hotel room except jungkook as he was with y/n to take care of her.

We were discussing of going back home as it's safe for y/n and it can help her feel better.

Jin:"U r right joon but how and when will we go to korea?"

Suga:"Hyung it's simple when y/n is sleeping we will take her to our private plane"

Taehyung:"But hyung wouldn't she wake up when one of us carry her?"

Suga:"U dumbass! Did u forgot that she is an heavy sleeper?And anyways we all know that there will be media outside so we will call some of the bodyguard's and they'll  help us protect my doll".

Bts except suga and jk:"It's a nice idea but she is OUR doll!"

Suga:"Yh! Whtever...Now all of u shut up I'm going to sleep in my room and don't disturb me unless it's a topic abt y/n...got it?"

They all nodded and I head towards mine and hobi's room thinking abt my fluffy and squishy kumamon plushie.

*time skip in the private plane*

(y/n's pov)

I woke up and looked around just to see myself in a plane laying on a sofa curled up in a ball.

I got up and looked around to see oppas sitting on other couches doing somethings like...

Jin oppa taking selfies,Joon oppa talking with his crabs which he grabbed from one of the beach,Hobi oppa trying to hug suga oppa who was trying to push him with all of his strength,Jimin taking a video of both of them and tae and jk oppa playing games.

A Chuckle escapes my lips and yh they all turned their head towards me in a speed of light.And soon they all were infront of me and looking at me worried.

Jin:"Princess u alright?!"

Y/n:"Yes oppa I'm perfectly fine... But where r we going?"

Namjoon:"Oh we r going to s.korea back as ur health is not good"

Y/n:"B-but I'm fine look I can walk, jump, dance,twerk-"

Jin:"Yah! Who taught u to dance like that!"

Y/n:"Oh it was jk oppa and it's called twerk oppa"

Jin:"YAH! Jungkook! How can u teach her these things?!She is too small and innocent to dance like that! Adfgbvsdvvbhhbb..."

(to be continued)

Sry for the short chap😬I'm busy from few days as u read before that I'm having my schools going on. I'll post tom morning.

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