✨💜Chapter 33💜✨

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•Hello there!I'm sry for not posting yesterday my server was down and wattpad wasn't opening...soo yh let's continue with the story!•

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up and did my morning routine and wore my clothes.I then took my bag and head downstairs.

I then took my bag and head downstairs

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*my clothes*

I reached there and sat down in my seat. I greeted oppas and ate some cookies(kookies) and milk.
Today was the second last day of school. I mean my winter vacations r starting from day after tomorrow.

I'm excited!Coz tomorrow is the school party! And students whole family is invited.

Oppas r on leave so they can come. Mom and dad won't come as they've already gone to paris.

I kissed their cheeks and was gonna exit the dining room but jin oppa called me.I turned around and he said,

Jin:"We all r coming to drop u to school princess.Come on!"

Y/n:"Ahh oppas it's ok I can go u all rest"

Namjoon:"Oh come on we'll rest afterwards we want to see ur school"

Y/n:"But u all will see it tomorrow won't u?"

Suga:"Aish! Come on doll we want to come and that's final!Now let's gooo"

And oppas dragged me to the limo. Soon we reached at the school.

I got out of the limo and was gonna go inside but I felt my self getting pulled.

I looked back to see oppas standing and looking at me angrily.

I frowned and asked what.

Hoseok:"How come we didn't noticed ur top before! Don't u think it's revealing ur skin too much"

Oh shit! I covered the top with buttoning the sweater I wore on top of it. And when I came out of the limo I unbuttoned them.

I smiled awkwardly.


I heard the bell rang. I thanked the bell internally and ran inside after telling oppas that,

Y/n:"Ah oppas we'll talk afterwards.I'll be late and get detention if I don't go to my clas on time! So bye!"

I heard oppas shouting but I just ran fast.As I was running through  school's corridor I bumped into someone.

I apologized and was gonna go to my class but that person whom I bumped into grabbed me by my forearm and turned me around.

I looked at him/her just to see a girl wearing small booty shorts and a crop top which was too much revealing.

I looked at him/her just to see a girl wearing small booty shorts and a crop top which was too much revealing

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