✨💜Chapter 46💜✨

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•The pic above of the flower.I wanted to buy the plant of this flower but unfortunately someone bought it before me😩😭! It's so beautiful tho!😍💜•

*Y/n's pov*

When I heard wht hobi oppa said I couldn't stand properly on my own feet.

I ran out of the room ignoring the shouts of my brothers.

I saw one doc passing by I asked him where my mom is and he said that she is in room no.137...

I ran to that room as fast as possible.

I knew oppas were chasing me but Idc I want to see my mom.

I reached there and opened the door.

I saw her laying on the bed with alot of wires attached to her body and was wearing an oxygen mask.

My tears automatically started flowing down.

I go to her and sat at the stool beside her bed and took her hand in mine.

The memories of me and mom started flashing in front of my eyes.

I cried harder as I remembered us having fun together in trips we always used to do.

Mom's homemade delicious food,her smile, her comforting words, one glance on my face and she knows wht I'm thinking...

I can't see my only mom suffering like this...

Y/n:"M-mom p-pls wake up...Don't L-leave me!"

Y/n:"If u will leave me who will do my hair? Who will make my favourite food(choose ur favourite food and also tell me in the comment section wht is it😁)?"

*no one's pov*

Bts were listening to all the things their little sister was saying.

They've seen her cry many times and each time they see her shedding tears breaks their heart.

They don't want her to be hurt and be sad.

Her vulnerable state makes them feel upset...

*Y/n's pov*

I was crying and crying since like 15 mins.

My head and chest were hurting like hell and I was choking on my own tears.

I didn't care abt it and continued to pour all my feelings out.

Soon I felt someone grabbing me by my forearm and turing on their side.

I was engulfed in a tight bone crashing hug by alot of ppl. And the ppl were oppas.

I hugged them back and started crying more loudly.

Suddenly my head started feeling light headed and my surroundings started spining.

Soon black dots started coming in front of my eyes and I closed my eyes.

But before I closed my eyes I heard multiple voices shouting my name.

(to be continued)

Sry for too short chap I tried to make a chapter in hurry as I'm busy with my studies as my preboards r in less then a month...😭

I'll try to upload as soon as possible till then tc and byeee love u all😘💜💜

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