✨💜Chapter 56💜✨

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•Hello there lovelies! I hope u all r doing good! I just wanted to tell u all that I'm coming with a new book... I'm gonna start writing this book after my exam's comes to an end...

The introduction and prolouge will be released soon. I really hope that u all like my new story and support it just as much love and support u gave to this book and "my mafia stepbrothers"•

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up with someone shaking me.

I sat up on my bed annoyingly glaring at the person who woke me up.

Y/n:"Yaahhhhh let me sleeeppp huhuhu it's really early in the morning."

Jin:"Princess it's mid afternoon now! Ik u r tired but u can't sleep this much! Now get up and go take a shower!"

I pouted and got off of my bed and stomped inside the bathroom.

I took a shower and wore my clothes.

I took a shower and wore my clothes

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*my clothes*

I came out of my bathroom and again layed on my bed.

But whinned as I was dragged out from my bed and was picked up like a sack of potatoes on worldwide broad shoulders.

Jin:"Yah! How can u go back to sleep after I ivvdjjbcswzzvj....."

I just boringly listened to oppa's rap as we entered the dining room.

Jin:"R u not even hungry?! Look at u! U look so petite and small! My child did that bastard even gave food to u?! Ur squishy round cheeks r gone! Let me make some food for ya!"

Oppa made me sit on one of the chairs and rushes into the kitchen and starts making food for me ig?

I looked around trying to find others. But no one was here.

Ig they all r busy. I pouted and started playing with the flowers which were kept in a vase in the middle of the dining table.

My phone rang. I grabbed it and answered it without looking at the caller id.

Y/n:"Hello this is kim y/n! How can I help u?"

Mr.Han:"Hello ms.y/n...This is the assistant manager of ur company Mr.Han. There r some paper works and documents u've to sign on. Can u come here today if possible?"

Y/n:"But my personal assistant is there instead of me right? U can make her sign the papers and whtever there is pending to be signed up"

Mr.Han:"Ik miss.y/n but this papers r imp. So I suggest u to come and do it urself!"

Y/n:"Ok mr.Han I got it! It's 1:00 Am rn I'll be there by 4:00 o'clock"

I hung up the call. And sighed. No one actually knows that I was kidnapped by an obssesed freak.

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