✨💜Chapter 50💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

I opened my eyes and looked around to see myself in an unfamiliar room.

I opened my eyes and looked around to see myself in an unfamiliar room

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It was really dark...I saw an shadow in the corner of the room and panicked...

Y/n:"W-who r u? A-and wht am I doin h-here?"

The shadow which was standing in the corner maybe looked at me coz I felt someone staring at me.

It slowly came forward and it was a young man.

The small little light which was coming from the lamp beside the king sized bed and the evening sunset sky.

???:"My bad! I didn't even introduce myself to u sweetheart!"

(A/n:"Dumb boy u made her unconcious so how can u tell her ur name? And then u say u r dangerous man pffft lol")

???:"Yah! Don't expose me and get lost! Before I throw u out of this universe!"

(A/n:"Yh yh going going!")

???:"Ignore that lame author sweetheart! Soo yh where were we? Oh yh! My name is Wong Yuk-hei! But just call me Lucas!"

He said turning on the lights! I can say he was handsome! But he gave me creepy vibes!

He said turning on the lights! I can say he was handsome! But he gave me creepy vibes!

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I looked at him a lil bit scared and said,

Y/n:"I-wht do u want from me?! And w-wht am I doing here?!"

Lucas:"Calm down lovely no one's gonna eat u up or harm u! Coz if someone do that I'll kill that person!"

He said softly but he said the last sentence in an dangerously cold voice.

Shivers ran down my spine. I looked at him terrified. His eyes softened after seeing me scared ig? Idk!

Y/n:"P-pls let me go! I promise I won't tell anyone abt u! I will not even tell my brothers abt u! I-I wanna see them! I don't wanna live with u!"

He glared at me and said,

Lucas:"Ur clothes r in the bathroom go and take a shower!"

He then goes out of the room locking it from outside.

My eyes started sweating again! And then slowly I started sobbing.

Y/n:"O-oppa's I'm s-scared! P-pls c-come and g-get me!"

I calmed down a little and go to a greyish coloured door which must be bathroom ig?

I opened it and looked at the counter near the basin.

There were some clothes arranged for me. They were neatly kept there.

I took a shower and wore the clothes.

I took a shower and wore the clothes

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*my clothes*

I looked in the body sized mirror and teared up thinking that if oppas were here they won't let me wear these type of clothes.

I got out of the bathroom and saw a girl near my age standing beside the bed.

She bowed to me and gave me some black shoes.

I took them and wore them.

Maid:"Miss come down with me...Master wong is calling u for having something to eat as it's almost dinner's time"

Y/n:"Oh tell him that I don't have appetite. I don't wanna have dinner"

She nodded and bowed to me than went out of the room after locking it from outside.

I sighed and go towards the single couch near the window. I sit on it with my legs close to my chest.

I rest my chin on my knees and looked blankly at the lights of the beautiful night sky.

My tears started flowing down my eyes again as I remember abt mom.

She is still in coma. I was gonna go visit her today but now Idk when I'll be able to meet her.

I hide my face between my legs and cry loudly.

Y/n:"M-mom p-pls w-wake up soon. I'm sry I couldn't come to see u today. I miss u alot!"

I stopped crying and wiped my cheeks when I heard the door unlocking and someone coming in.

Lucas:"Sweetheart~Come here let's eat! I'll feed u! U can't sleep with an empty stomach"

I glared at him


I felt an burning sensation on my left cheek.

I felt him grabbing my hair harshly making me look at him.

Lucas:"LISTEN HERE! I was trying to be as gentle as I can with u! BUT U! I'm trying to control my anger rn! And abt ur oPpA's they all r useless idols! How will they get to u!? When they don't even where u r?! U.R.MINE! No one can take away my LOVE from me! REMEMBER U BELONG TO ME AND NO ONE ELSE!"

Y/n:"U-U r an OBSESSED FREAK! If u loved me u wouldn't slap me and won't hurt me like THIS! I will never LOVE U BACK! I promise u THAT!"

I said and spit on his face.

He pushed me on the floor harshly and left the room after telling me,

Lucas:"U'll regret this! I WILL MAKE U Regret this! U'll BEG for my LOVE! Just wait and WATCH!"

I took a deep breath and got up.

I layed on the bed and covered myself with the blanket and tried to relax as I was having an panick attack.

I breathed in and out heavily. Soon I felt my vision get blurry and I fell unconcious.

(to be continued)

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