✨💜Chapter 26💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

Here I'm laying upside down on the couch. I'm exhausted...I came from school today unnies didn't came as they were having a family function.

The other thing is that We had a practical exams today and I got a call from oppas in the middle of my presentation and all the student's and teacher saw who was calling me and all the ppl present in the room had gone wild as they saw the pfp.

I had to then cut the call and rush out of the class as the students were chasing me. I sighed as I heard the doorbell ring.

I got up and go to open it. Oppas were standing infront of me with some plastic bags and all. I sighed as I thought that this were the sry gift's they bought for me as I didn't pick up any calls of them after the incident.

They surely got to know abt this from insta or twitter as I saw student's filming my presentation.
I opened the door widely so they can come in. They all rushed inside and hugged me like their life depended on it and mumbled sry's multiple times.

I broke the hug and go upstairs after telling them that I've to change my clothes as after coming from school I was too lazy to change.

I entered my room chose some random clothes and wore them and go downstairs to see them all sitting on the couch whispering to eachother abt something.

I entered my room chose some random clothes and wore them and go downstairs to see them all sitting on the couch whispering to eachother abt something

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*my clothes*

I ignored them and go to kitchen and fetch some chips and chocolate milk and sat at the counter while opening the packet.

While munching on it I saw from the corner of my eyes to see oppas entering and sitting on the counter with me and some of them stood infront of me.

I rolled my eyes at them and continued eating my chips while sipping on my lovely chocolate milk.

Namjoon:"Uhm...We r really Sry butterfly.We didn't remembered that u had classes.We'll make it up to u! Pls don't ignore us. We r here to spend time with u..."

Y/n:"Oppa I'm not ignoring u and all I was just angry and anyways let's watch movie! Come on!"

I jumped off the cliff. Joke lol jumped off the counter and ran to the movie room to choose which movie we should watch.

Soon they also entered the room with big smiles and sat beside me. I started the movie and cuddled with them all and started watching the movie.

*time skip after the movie ends*

(still y/n's pov)

I'm  right now with oppas in the car going to the company with them as they insisted me to come with them.

We entered the company and I was between them looking around.

We entered oppas dance room and saw TXT sitting there. Must be waiting for oppas.

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