✨💜Chapter 51💜✨

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*Bts pov*

We all r sitting here restless. The police is still trying to find y/n.

They said that a famous and dangerous mafia has kidnapped her.

They can't track him. We have an last hope on our childhood friend whom we trust on and is also an mafia.

We've already called him he'll be here in 2 days.

"Till then princess pls be safe! We'll be there for u!"

*Y/n's pov*

I woke up by someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes and looked at the person who woke me up.

It was kia. The maid around my age who was forced to work here in this mansion of that bastard.

I smiled at her slightly.

Kia:"Good morning! Ur clothes r as usual in the cabinet of the bathroom!"

Y/n:"Good morning to u too! Ok then I'll go and take a shower now"

She nodded and left after asking me if I wanted breakfast.

I just told her to bring chocolate smoothie for me.

I entered the bathroom and took a shower.

I wore the clothes which were kept inside the cabinet and wore normal shoes.

I wore the clothes which were kept inside the cabinet and wore normal shoes

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*my clothes*

I'm used to wearing this type of revealing clothes now.

As I'm just in my room whole day looking outside of the window.

I've tried escaping 2 times but no use. There is strict security all around the mansion.

I tried to contact oppas by Kia's phone but lucas caught me red handed.

He beated me with his belt. It still hurts but no matter what happens I'll escape these place!

Soon kia came with my chocolate smoothie.

I had it and then thought of going downstairs to the garden area where there is a swing.

I sat on the swing and looked at the sun. I remembered hobi oppa.

His sunahine smile, I remembered the other oppas too.

I miss them alot. I wanna meet them.

Idk if I'll be able to meet them.

"I miss u oppas...pls find me quickly...I don't want to live in this hell"

I sighed and got up wiping my moist cheeks. I then again go to my room.
But little did y/n know that someone was watching her...

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