✨💜Chapter 40💜✨

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It's been 2 weeks after that incident and bts have gotten more protective over y/n.As their holidays r already over and they can't take y/n to their dorm they've putten extra security around the mansion•

*Y/n's pov*

I looked at the breakfast served in front of me with a expressionless face.

I wasn't in a mood of eating but if I refused I'm sure this maids r gonna tell oppas that I'm not having a proper meal.

And then I'll get scolded by all of them. I sighed as I started munching on bread&butter.

After finishing I got up and took my bag then headed to the exit after telling bye to all the maids.

Soon I reached at the school. I took my books from my locker and go to the classroom.

*my clothes*(ignore the glasses if u want to)

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*my clothes*(ignore the glasses if u want to)

*my clothes*(ignore the glasses if u want to)

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*My hairstyle and makeup*

Soon our teacher came and the class started. I took notes of everything that our teacher said.

*time skip to lunch time*

(Still y/n's pov)

I go to my locker and open it.I put my books inside but I saw a tape recorder with a sticky note on it.

I frowned and took it. I was gonna click the button to hear it but my stomach made noises.

I sighed and slide it into my pocket and locked my locker and ran to cafeteria to have something to eat which can calm my lovely stomach.

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