✨💜Chapter 25💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

Here I was in the award show sitting next to oppas while giving fake smiles to the camera.

*My outfit* (choose one idk both r too bootiful to choose one😅)

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*My outfit* (choose one idk both r too bootiful to choose one😅)

*My outfit* (choose one idk both r too bootiful to choose one😅)

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*my hair and makeup*

Soo let me tell u wht exactly happened oppas were invited for **** award show and they mentioned me in the invitation card soo that's how I'm here.

I'm getting bored and sleepy as some ppl r coming and giving speeches and speeches.

This show is live soo I can't do anything else.I just sighed and sat there while looking at the ppl giving long ass speech.

I sighed as the shooting cuts and we all got a small 10 min break.

I wanted to go to washroom so I got up and jk oppa also came with me to the bathroom as he also wanted to go.

I came out after doing my business and saw oppa waiting for me.

I go towards him and we both head to the seat but someone blocked our way. I looked up just to see ✨Cha Eunwoo✨Damn he looks soo handsome.

I was fangirling over him but it stops when he speaks,

Eunwoo:"Hi u must be y/n right?"

Y/n:"Hello and yh I'm y/n"

I spoke while smiling.An strong arm around my shoulder.My smile turned awkward as I remembered one of my overprotective brothers Jungkook was also here with me.

Jk:"Hi Eunwoo how r u? Long time no see?!"

Eunwoo:"Uhm hey bro! I'm fine and yh we both were busy with our own life...Btw y/n can we be friends?"


Jk:"Bun bun let's go hyungs msged me just now that the show has already started...See u later bro! Bye!"

I gave a small smile and did a little wave to eunwoo while being dragged by jk oppa who was also giving a tight smile to eunwoo with a secret glare which I could not notice.

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