✨💜Chapter 21💜✨

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Heyy so as I said yesterday that I'll post another chap today morning! It is here! Hope u enjoy reading it(๑・ω-)~♥...

*Y/n's pov*

We all reached the airport with a sulky jk oppa who got grounded for 3 days. I giggled seeing him sulking and trying to convince jin oppa.

Y/n:"Jinnie Oppa I won't dance like that again.Don't punish jk oppa pwease"

I said pouting and making puppy eyes.Jin oppa immediately turned the other side so I also go on that side while showing him my puppy eyes.

At last he sighed in deafeat and I smiled secretly in victory while giving jk oppa a high five.

But soon that smile on my face was vanished after seeing alot of reporters and armies trying to come near us while pushing each other.

I took jin oppas hand and held it like my life was dependent on it.A strong arm was wrapped around my shoulder with alot of more hands and I knew the hands were of all the oppas.

10-12 bodyguards surrounded us and took us to the car I was the first one to get inside so I was sitting on the window seat.

I saw alot of people knocking on the window and that terrified me to the core.My face waa soon stuffed in someones well built chest.

I hugged oppa back after smelling the scent on him. It was taehyung oppa.(A/n:She is so lucky to hug taehyung😩)I hugged him tighter as the car starts and we all go to our mansion.

*time skip at home in y/n's room*

(still y/n's pov)

I'm now feeling alot better than before. I go to bathroom and took a hot shower and then pick some pjs and wear them and go to my balcony.

 I go to bathroom and took a hot shower and then pick some pjs and wear them and go to my balcony

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*my pjs*

I sat at the comfy mini bed and looked at the sky it was beautiful as it was evening it looked really nice.

*my balcony*

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*my balcony*

I inhaled some fresh air and sat there while looking at the birds who r going to their homes.

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