✨💜Chapter 27💜✨

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*Y/n's pov*

Jia goes in the middle of the room and takes her position and start's dancing.

*In the first performance the girl who is dancing is jia and imagine she is alone*

I Clapped as she danced really well but let's show her that she isn't the only one who is good in dance.

I go in the middle and took my position and started dancing.

*Imagine it's only u and no background dancer's*

After my performance I saw oppas cheering once again but they looked angry too.

Jin:"Yah! I didn't like that butt shaking thingy at all.We've discussed this before too right? Then how can u disrespect me!?And go against my words?!"

Y/n:"Uhm oppa it's not called butt shaking thingy it's calles twerking!And sry but I love this song and the twerking was going nice with the beat soo it automatically happened!Sry"

I pouted sadly.

Suga:"Hyung it was just a dance and let me tell u no buy other than us was here! Doll don't do this type of dance in front of ppl ok?! Especially boys! Got it?!"

I nodded my head smiling innocently.

Y/n:"Ahh ok oppa but now I'm hungry let's go I want foooood~"

Jia:"Yah! Who is the winner of this dance battle?!"

Y/n:"Oh it's a tie! We both dance nicely! Anyways we r going to eat u wanna join?!"

Jia:"Nah I've a dance practice u all can go!"

Y/n:"Ohk sure! Bye!"

She just waved at me and I then ran to oppas who were already outside the room

We all reached the canteen and oppas ordered salad for them and I ordered myself a piece of chocolate pastry.

*the pastry*

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*the pastry*

While we all were eating oppas said something that made me excited.

Namjoon:"Oh yh butterfly mom and dad r coming tomorrow as they said they're gonna held an announcement party day after tomorrow"

Y/n:"Oh! Wow! I'm finally gonna meet mom and dad after 2 months!But oppa wht do u think the announcement will be?"

Hobi:"We r also thinking that sunshine!"

I just hummed as my mouth was full of pastry that I stuffed awhile ago.

Soon I bid byes to oppas as I had to go home and they also have a tight schedule tomorrow.

*Time skip to the announcement party*(A/n:Sry but I'm too lazy😅)

*Y/n's pov*

Here I'm sitting beside oppas on the table with our name plates. Mom and dad came yesterday and I was really happy to see them.

We all had family dinner after alot of time. Yh oppas came too. I thought of scrolling through my phone as I was getting bored.

I was wearing some normal but professional type of clothes as mom told me that this is a buisness party.

*my clothes*

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*my clothes*

Soon mom and dad go on the stage and dad started giving the speech.

Dad:"Soo first of all thnks for coming to all the guests present here!I announced this party to say an important thing...As u all see I've settled another company in Europe and Japan. It's getting hard for me to handle the kim's corporations here in seoul. Soo as per mine and my wife aka Mrs.Kim's decision we've decided to give my CEO position to our one and only lovely daughter Y/n the 50% of the position and another 50% to my 7  beloved sons!"

Alot of claps with murmurs and the clicking of cameras voices filled the room.

I was shocked. I was having a hard time with my school's  last yr and now I'm gonna be a Ceo?!

Of course oppas r here but come on they r idols they'll be busy with their tight schedule and now another extra work for them to do.

I'm gonna talk abt this to mom and dad when we reach home!

(to be continued)

I just saw this! I couldn't believe my eyes!😭Thanks alot for this lovelies~ Yh that's the name I've thought of giving u😁 hope u like it! Pls comment if u liked the name or not! And I love u alllllll sooooooo muuuuuuccccchhhhh☁😘😘☁😘😘☁😘😘😘😘�...

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I just saw this! I couldn't believe my eyes!😭Thanks alot for this lovelies~ Yh that's the name I've thought of giving u😁 hope u like it! Pls comment if u liked the name or not! And I love u alllllll sooooooo muuuuuuccccchhhhh

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