✨💜Chapter 45💜✨

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*Bts's pov* (except jk)

We all asked the receptionist where is the ICU...

We all saw some nurses rushing in and out.

We all sat at the near chair and waited for the doctor to come out.

Soon the doctor came out.

We all rushed to them.

Jimin:"D-doctor how is our parents?!"

Dr:"Oh u r mr and mrs kim's children?"

We all nodded our heads.

Dr:"They both r perfectly fine but
Mrs.Kim is in coma due to the severe head injury which caused blood circulation in her brain"

We all were shocked and had tears in our eyes coz even if mrs.Kim was our step mom and not our real mom.

We all always got that motherly love which we wanted.

Since childhood whenever we used to go to school we used to see alot of our friends coming with their mom's.

We were always curious and wanted that mother's love.

*Y/n's pov* (at home with jk)

I woke up and looked around just to see jk oppa sleeping peacefully.

I looked at the time to see it was already 9 in the morning.

I got up and thought of taking a shower.

I go to my bathroom and did my morning routine and wore my clothes.

I go to my bathroom and did my morning routine and wore my clothes

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*my clothes*

I came outside and looked at jk oppa who was still sleeping soundly.

I go towards him and woke him up.

Soon he wakes up and goes to do his morning routine.

I go downstairs and looked around to see no one.

I frowned and go in the kitchen and see no one.

I then go upstairs to jin oppas room and knock on it.

No one responded so I open it. No one was there too.

I checked the other rooms and the places like garden,balcony etc.

But no one was at home except me and jk oppa.

I go to my room and opened it to see oppa sitting on my bed and drying his hair.

I go towards him and said,

Y/n:"Oppa where r the others?! No one is at home! I checked each and every room!"

Jk oppa frowned in confusion and looked at me.

Jk:"Huh?! I think we should call them!"

I nodded and took my phone which was on the night stand.

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